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Government Web Content Managers Forum (3JRX)
Draft Action Plan (April 16, 2007) (3JRZ)
What is the Draft Action Plan? (3JQ4)
This draft plan was developed by a group of U.S. government web managers during an all-day working session on February 27, 2007. The purpose of the planning session was to: (3JP1)
- refine our goals for the government web manager community (3JP2)
- plan our interagency activities for the next two years and beyond (starting with our workshop on April 24, 2007) (3JP3)
- make sure we're ready for the change in Administration that will happen in just over 18 months. (3JP4)
Here's the link to the Plan: Government Web Managers DRAFT Action Plan -- April 16, 2007 (3JP6)
Who can provide comments? (3JQ5)
We welcome comments on our draft Action Plan from members of the Web Content Managers Forum, as well as others who have an interest in improving U.S. government websites. (3JPL)
How do I provide comments? (3JQ6)
We've set up this wiki to collect comments. It's very easy to use. You set up an account, click on the "DRAFT Action Plan" link above, and then select the section you'd like to comment on. (3JQI)
See our How to Comment page for more details. (3JPN)
Will everyone be able to see my comments? (3JQ7)
This is an open wiki, so yes, anyone can view your comments. If you have a sensitive comment that you don't want a broad audience to see, you may want to share it instead via email with the rest of the group (using our listserv). However, we want this dialogue to be as open as possible. If you're not a member of the Web Content Managers Forum Listserv, learn how you can join. (3JPJ)
Questions? (3JQ8)
If you have questions about how to provide comments, please contact April Stafford ( or Susan Turnbull ( (3JPK)