This page is part of a DRAFT Action Plan for the U.S. government web manager community. (3I1K)
Communications Strategy (3HO3)
- Develop a Strategy (3I1P)
- Market the Strategy (3HO7)
- Use social media to communicate strategy and goals (3HOC)
- Hook to UK Directgov story – plant a seed that that’s something we should work toward in the U.S. (3HOD)
- Tell the Big Picture stories at every opportunity – include examples of great work we’re doing (3HOE)
- Market at the agency level (3HOG)
- Draft talking points so the leaders of our community can communicate our message (3HOH)
- Package and sell the Big Story to the current and incoming administration – help them package their legacy (3HOI)
- Further publicize and push .gov and .mil as official sites (3HOL)
- Have more governance/.gov discussion in blogsphere (3HOM)
- Tap into for-profit blogs and organizations like Forrester, etc. (3HON)
- Create speakers bureau and standard presentation so members of our community can speak on behalf of government web managers (3HOP)
- Have virtual representative for our community. Post video on U-tube like “Ask Janet” (3HOQ)
- Energize and engage our community (3HOR)
- Do more to educate our own community about standards and policies (3HOS)
- Develop Web Manager Forum blog (3HOU)
- Link to Steve and Candi’s blogs on (3HOV)
- Pilot wiki or blog for 3 months to discuss issues of importance to our community (i.e. refer to official OMB link on cookies policy on and then start blog/wiki to discuss issue) (3HOW)
- Look to outside experts (3HOX)
- Challenge universities and research groups to do our work for us – Pew etc. They could do research on top tasks or other goals and make recommendations for change. (3HOY)
- Communicate with ACSI as partner advocate to help us tell our stories (3HOZ)
- Engage vendor community to support our efforts, those who want to contribute to social good, beyond the “sell” part. Yahoo for Good as one example. For example, let 2-3 companies adopt us for a year. Would need to deal with contracting barriers and consider “rule of 3” when dealing with contractors (3HP1)
- Engage major search engines to help us with search engine optimization for government content (3HP2)
- Take advantage of private sector web managers group that meets regularly (3HP3)
- Focus on “Top Tasks” as the foundation and driver for other activities (3HP4)
- Identify top 25 tasks as the big story then let the crowd help us refine (3HP5)
- Communicate “best practice” process for determining agency top tasks (3HP6)
- Have do data call to agencies to identify top tasks (3HP7)
- Conduct baseline study of how well the public can accomplish top U.S. tasks and show impact on economy. (3HP9)
- Publish results and show impact on ROI (3HPA)
- Start at top 25 for federal and work toward state and local – don’t forget them (3HPB)
- Even if agency isn’t in top U.S. tasks, encourage agencies to identify their own top tasks (3HPC)
- Annual awards program should focus on top tasks (3HPD)
- Don’t alienate e-gov initiatives, which may be among top tasks (3HPE)
- Are there models of other governments / organizations who’ve identified their top tasks (3HPF)
- Set up wiki for the top task discussion (3HPG)
- Plant article about top tasks, get interviewed, get it in the blogosphere (3HPI)
Feel free to add comments or new ideas: (3I1M)