WREN Workshop to be held on June 6, 2008 at George Washington University: (3WNI)
The Washington Research Evaluation Network is pleased to announce the first of two workshop networking opportunities this year, to be held on Friday, June 6, 2008, 8:15 to 4:15 pm, at The George Washington University Marvin Center's 3rd floor Continental Ballroom, H and 21st Streets, N.W., Washington, D.C. The purpose of WREN is to facilitate the conduct and advancement of R&D evaluation via knowledge transfer and networking among federal evaluation practitioners, academicians, and contractors conducting R&D evaluation (www.wren-network.net). (3WNJ)
Check-in on site is open at 8:15 am with the first session a joint endeavor (open to all federal evaluators in addition to R&D evaluators) with AEA’s President, William Trochim, beginning at 8:45 am in an opportunity for you to hear about AEA’s Evaluation Policy Task Force and for you to provide your input on how AEA should be involved in evaluation policy making. In short, interactive sessions throughout the day, hear from those developing and using prospective (ex ante) approaches to R&D evaluation, and participate in a session on approaches developed for federal performance monitoring of R&D programs via the PART and GPRA, providing your input on where these efforts should head next. Lunch will be provided to facilitate your ability to meet other evaluators, academicians, and consultants who develop and conduct evaluations of federal R&D programs. The final session begins at 3:45 pm with another short networking opportunity and we all depart at 4:15 pm. (3WNK)
WREN has created a Wiki for this workshop where you can view the full agenda topics and speakers, see reports and papers on R&D evaluation, and place your own materials to facilitate information access for others (visit http://colab.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?WashingtonResearchEvaluationNetwork/Workshop_06_06_2008. If you wish to place your own articles, reports, and other documents relevant to the evaluation of R&D programs on the Wiki for the benefit of all, please send them to Cheryl.Oros@va.gov. (3WNL)
Please share your experience, expertise, and interest with us via the Wiki and by your participation on June 6th. Registration is free, but we need to plan space and refreshments and thus ask you to pre-register for the event in order to reserve your slot. (3WNM)
Register online now for the Spring 2008 Interactive WREN Workshop at: http://www.eval.org/wren.asp (3WNN)
We look forward to seeing you there! Please note that space is limited and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. (3WNO)
MARK YOUR CALENDARS: The next WREN meeting will be held in December 2008 (date to be decided) to discuss R&D Evaluation in the Next Administration and an Update on the Science of Science Policy Roadmap. Please join us. (3WNP)
If you have any questions, please address them to Cheryl Oros, WREN Steering Committee and coordinator for this event, at the Department of Veterans Affairs, at Cheryl.Oros@va.gov. {nid 3WNQ} best slot machines to play (42O7)