[Return to USAspendingGov] [Mandatory Data Requirements] (3LYH)
Date Requirements are noted with a 'D' (3LXX)
- D1) Federal Award Data to include: the name of the entity receiving the award (3LWV)
- D2) Federal Award Data to include: the amount of the award (3LWX)
- D3) Federal Award Data to include: transaction type (3LXY)
- D4) Federal Award Data to include: funding agency (3LXZ)
- D5) Federal Award Data to include: NAIC or FDAN (3LY0)
- D6) Federal Award Data to include: program source (3LY1)
- D7) Federal Award Data to include: award title descriptive of the purpose of each funding action (3LY2)
- D8) Federal Award Data to include: location of the entity receiving the award - City, State, Congressional District, Country (3LY3)
- D9) Federal Award Data to include: location of performance - City, State, Congressional District, Country (3LY4)
- D10) Federal Award Data to include: a unique identifier of the entity receiving the award (3LY5)
- D11) Federal Award Data to include: a unique identifier of the recipient's parent entity if applicable (3LY6)
- D12) Federal Award Data to include: FY2007 data and each fiscal year thereafter (3LY7)
- D13) Data must be updated no later than 30 days after the award has occurred (3LY8)
- D14) Include all data for awards and grants that are $25,000 and above (3LY9)
- D15) Do not include credit card transactions prior to October 1, 2008 (3LYA)
- D16) Ensure that subaward data is disclosed in the same manner as data regarding other Federal awards (3LYB)
- D17) Entities that demonstrate that the gross income from all sources did not exceed $300K in the previous tax year are exempt from reporting subawards unless directed otherwise by the OMB Director (3LYC)
- D18) Make data available for indexing ("spidering") by public search engines. [Based on Public Comment] (3LYD)
- D19)Searchable by Google [Based on Public Comment] (3LYE)
User and Privacy Notice (3M0H)
- D20) Include abstract to promote deeper understanding of project scope (3UVO)