UDED Community Of Interest (2WSC)
The UDED Community of Interest is being organized to develop an XML financial data model that is based on ''Uniform Data Elements and Definitions (UDED) for Grant Budgeting and Financial Reporting by Recipients of Federal, State and Local Government Funds – Version 1, November 2004''. (2X2E)
UDED Version 1 URL [referenced as "UDED-V1-URL" elsewhere in this home page]: (2X2M)
http://www.nasact.org/downloads/11_04-UDED_v1.pdf. (2X2B)
The UDED Community of Interest XML initiative is referenced in this home page as "X-UDED". (2X2C)
We have just begun to recruit participants (August, 2005). If you are interested in considering participation in the organization and planning of the X-UDED initiative, please contact BillLevis. (2X2D)
Background (2WSE)
The Uniform Guidelines Coalition (listed on cover page of UDED-V1-URL) was formed in 2003 to address the problem of widespread inconsistency among virtually all federal, state, and local government agencies in the budget and financial reporting data elements and related financial terms and definitions that are required of fifty state governments, 30,000 local and tribal governments and 60,000 nonprofit grant recipients. This inconsistent and conflicting financial administration of government grants is disruptive, confusing, time consuming and costly for all grant recipients as well as for the thousands of government agencies and programs that fund them. UDED Version 1 was developed by a Technical Advisory Group of members from all organizations in the Coalition (Group members listed on page ii of UDED-V1-URL). (2X2F)
These uniform core data elements and definitions are aligned with federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Standard Forms 424 and 424A and Circulars A-21, A-87, and A-122 and generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), as applicable. (2X2G)
Implementation of UDED and X-UDED in eGrants systems of granting agencies and grantee organizations will significantly improve reliability, completeness and timeliness of the grant-related financial data they exchange and, at the same time, reduce the cost and burden of preparing, exchanging and processing such data. This, in turn, will improve the overall effectiveness of financial management of grant recipients and their awarding government agencies and of the government-funded services provided to citizens in communities across the country. (2X2H)
The three core dimensions of the UDED financial data elements are (1) Activity, which includes program, project, function, purpose and CFDA classification, (2) Funding Source, which includes Federal, state and local government, and (3) Object Expense Categories, which include salaries, fringe benefits, contract services, supplies and travel. (2X2J)
What's New: (2WSG)
- The X-UDED initiative is registered with http://et.gov. (2WSH)
Key Date(s) to Note: (2WSI)
- [none scheduled] (2WSJ)
UDED Goals and Objectives (2WSK)
- Goal: To improve effectiveness and reduce the cost and burden of financial management of grant recipients and their awarding agencies. (2X2I)
- Objective: To establish uniform guidelines, aligned with existing federal and other accounting standards, for budgeting and financial reporting for recipients of grant funds (including cooperative agreements) from state and local government and from foundations and other non-governmental funding sources. (2WSL)
Deliverables & Deadlines (2WSM)
- [to be determined in conjunction with X-UDED initiative plan] (2WSN)
Project Work-in-Progress (2WSO)
- [none to report at this time] (2WSP)
Project Plan (2WSQ)
- [Under development] (2WSR)
The Team (2WSS)
- BillLevis is coordinator of the UDED Community of Interest (2X2L)
- [X-UDED team is being organized] (2WST)
Discussion Archives & Shared-File Workspace (2WSU)
Resources (2WSX)
- [URLs on page 12 of UDED-V1-URL and other relevant URLs to be inserted here] (2WSY)
- [description of the URLs and other pertinent info to go here] (2WSZ)
Conference Call, Meeting & Workshop (2WT0)
- [none scheduled yet] (2WT1)