Visioning a Nationwide Infrastructure for Community Statistics Community Statistical Systems Network May 27, 2004 (236)
Participant Profile (237)
Name(s): Troy Anderson and Pat Simmons (Fannie Mae Foundation) Tom Kingsley and Kathy Pettit (The Urban Institute) (238)
Organizations: Fannie Mae Foundation with The Urban Institute, Vinq, and BCT Partners (239)
Title or Subject of Initiative, Project, Program, or Other Effort Relevant to Meeting: KnowledgePlex Community Data System (CDS) (23A)
Nature of Effort: (23B)
__X_ system for on-line delivery of nationwide local area data to individual users _X__ tabular data _X__ mapped data geographic units (e.g., states, counties, places) include: tracts, zip codes, counties, states, places, MSAs primary data sets include: For sub-city geographies: Decennial Census 1990 and 2000, HMDA, IRS, INS immigration data, Section 8 expiring use and other HUD datasets, county/zip business patterns, FDIC institutions For larger geographies: CPS, LAUS, AHS, NAR sales data and many others ___ tool to assist national and local data intermediaries in accessing and organizing data sets for inclusion in on-line statistical systems (23C)
_X__ development of applications, technologies, or standards to aid in the above (metadata tool, long-term plan for syndication or co-branding of CDS capabilities) (23D)
___ other: (23E)
Current Status: ___ in operation __X_ under construction ___ in planning, in conceptual development, under consideration (23F)
URL (if relevant): NA (23G)
Purpose and Audience (Ends): (23H)
The CDS will be a central clearinghouse for a variety of housing and demographic data, complementing the current information on affordable housing and community development currently available at KnowledgePlex. The Fannie Mae Foundation’s objective is for the CDS to serve as a key component for a national information infrastructure for the affordable housing and community development industry, including policy makers, practitioners, and researchers. (23I)
Brief Description (Means): (23J)
The Community Data System (CDS) will provide access to a variety of housing and demographic data at geographic scales ranging from the neighborhood to the nation. The CDS will provide multiple indicator display formats (e.g., maps, tables, and charts) that are understandable for diverse KnowledgePlex audiences. Along with the data displayed, CDS will contain aids to facilitate data use, such as metadata, analytic guidebooks, and illustrative analyses; housing data books and housing market reports; and a directory of housing data resources on the Web. (23K)
Brief Narrative of History, Current Status, Plans: (23L)
The Fannie Mae Foundation has contracted with several organizations to develop CDS. The Urban Institute is providing the dataset content and user guides for the site, with Andrew Reamer preparing the links section. Vinq will be developing the web platform, with BCT Partners doing the user testing. At this point, several nationwide data sets have been acquired, and indicators chosen and prepared. We expect to have an initial version of the site by the end of the year. (23M)
Relevant Background Documents (with URLs, if available): NA (23N)
Contact information: Troy Anderson or Pat Simmons, Fannie Mae Foundation Address: 4000 Wisconsin Ave., NW, North Tower, Suite One, Washington, DC 20016 Telephone: 202-274-8000 E-mail:; (23O)
Tom Kingsley or Kathy Pettit, The Urban Institute Address: 2100 M Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037 Telephone: (202) 261-5585 / (202) 261-5670 E-mail:; (23P)