Writers' First Review Draft: (2XLP)
Term (2XLQ)
Transition Strategy (2XLR)
Reviewer Comment: Standardize definitions for synonyms (2XLS)
Origin/Source for Inclusion of the Term (2XLT)
FEAPMO (John Lee) (2XLU)
OMB Context Definition (2XLV)
Reference/URL OMB Context Definition (2XLW)
Business Definition (2XLX)
The overall approach to making changes to move the organization in the direction of the strategic vision. Usually it is defined by a step-at-a-time process. The amount of change that can take place in any one step depends on the significance of the change, its urgency, resources available, organizational entropy, and risks. (2XLY)
Reviewer Comment: The overall approach to making changes to move the organization in the direction of the strategic vision. Usually it is defined by a step-at-a-time process. The amount of change that can take place in any one step depends on the significance of the change, its urgency, resources available, organizational entropy, and risks. Syn. Implementation Strategy, Sequence Strategy; See also Sequence Plan, Implementation Plan, Transitions Plan. (2XLZ)
Reference/URL for Business Definition (2XM0)
http://www.software.org/sysmigweb/framework/framework-4.asp as modified by M. Tiemann (2XM1)
Reviewer Comment: http://www.software.org/sysmigweb/framework/framework-4.asp as modified by M. Tiemann -- added synonyms (2XM2)
Technical Definition (2XM3)
Representation of a desired state for all or part of the enterprise for an interim milestone between the baseline architecture and the target architecture for data, applications, and technology (standards). (2XM4)
Reviewer Comment: A sequencing strategy is an approach that is defined through a plan for changing the enterprise from the current baseline to the target architecture. It schedules multiple, concurrent, interdependent activities, and incremental builds that will evolve the enterprise. Syn. Implementation Strategy, Transition Strategy; See also Sequence Plan, Implementation Plan, Transitions Plan. (2XM5)
Reference/URL Technical Definition (2XM6)
A Practical Guide to Federal Enterprise Architecture Chief Information Officer Council Version 1.0 (Appendix B: Glossary) Source: Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF). Modified Transitional EA Components definition. (2XM7)
Reviewer Comment: Adapted from --- Chief Information Officer Council, A Practical Guide to Federal Enterprise Architecture, Version 1.0, February 2001. (2XM8)
Context Definition 1 (2XM9)
Reference/URL Context Definition 1 (2XMA)
Context Definition 2 (2XMB)
Reference/URL for Context Definition 2 (2XMC)
Context Definition 3 (2XMD)
Reference/URL for Context Definition 3 (2XME)
See Also Related Terms (2XMF)