Writers' First Review Draft: (2XL4)
Term (2XL5)
Technical Reference Model (TRM) (2XL6)
Origin/Source for Inclusion of the Term (2XL7)
OMB Circular No. A–11 (2005) Section 53—Information Technology And E-Government (2XL8)
OMB Context Definition (2XL9)
Reference/URL OMB Context Definition (2XLA)
Business Definition (2XLB)
One of five Federal Enterprise Architecture foundation models used to describe and align the technical standards, specifications, and technology capabilities supporting the delivery, exchange, and construction of business (or service) components and e-gov solutions. The TRM unifies existing agency TRMs and E-Gov guidance by providing a foundation to advance the re-use of technology and component services from a Government-wide perspective. (2XLC)
Reviewer Comment: One of five Federal Enterprise Architecture foundation models used to describe and align the technical standards and specifications supporting the delivery, exchange, and construction of business (or service) technical components and e-gov solutions. (2XLD)
Reference/URL for Business Definition (2XLE)
Reviewer Comment: Issue: The business description is getting a bit wordy. The last sentence get's into what reference models are about. Save that for a different definition. Recommend deleting the last sentence. Also, technology "capabilities" is confusing with the SRM capabilities. And will readers implicitly know what a component means? See suggested refinements. (2XLF)
Technical Definition (2XLG)
Reference/URL Technical Definition (2XLH)
Context Definition 1 (2XLI)
Reference/URL Context Definition 1 (2XLJ)
Context Definition 2 (2XLK)
Reference/URL for Context Definition 2 (2XLL)
Context Definition 3 (2XLM)
Reference/URL for Context Definition 3 (2XLN)
See Also Related Terms (2XLO)