Roy Roebuck is the Managing Director of One World Information System (OWIS), a management education and research non-profit corporation, in Burke, VA.    (41FD)

Roy has had 34 years of government and government contracting experience. Roy has performed:    (41IM)

Roy Roebuck was the Chief Architect of the Federal Executive Branch (FEB) Continuity Communication Enterprise Architecture (CCEA) Program Office during its active period from Oct 2004 through Sep 2005. The CCEA was intended as an ongoing program to define the extended operational and executable EA governing the CC (i.e., business continuity) of FEB National Essential Functions (NEF), Priority and Secondary Mission Essential Functions (PMEF and SMEF) performed by the FEB Departments and Agencies ((D&A) and their Bureaus. The CCEA was intended to provide the means (as a shared and governed FEB Terminology) so that there would be "no loss of meaning" in NEF/MEF communication "under all circumstances". {nid 2YP0}    (2ZG0)

The CCEA PO was formed by the Continuity Communications Working Group (CCWG) of the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) National Communication System (NCS) Committee of Principals (COP), at the request of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) within the Executive Office of the President (EOP). OSD/NII (Bill Gunnels) and FEMA co-chair the CCEA.    (2YP2)

In response to the CC requirements, the CCEA was modeled to encompass electronic, data, and semantic/ontology technologies to ensure communication of FEB NEF/PMEF/SMEF (i.e., MEF) operational information without loss of meaning.    (2YP1)

The CCEA approach used an ontology-based, model-driven architecture (MDA) to build an executable enterprise architecture repository, which leveraged the evolving OMB FEA as its foundation, to provide:    (41IQ)

1) a FEB operational knowledge-base as an executable/operational enterprise architecture for CC and MEF,    (41IR)

2) access-requirement policy definition for matching user authentication to access-authorization, and    (41IS)

3) resultant virtual/composite applications supporting CC and MEF.    (2YP4)

The CCEA approach (methodology, metaschema, and modeling tool and repository technology specification), provided by Roy Roebuck, is available in the public domain under its original name "General Endeavor Management" (GEM) at, from One World Information System.    (2YP5)

Unfortunately, during this period, the FEB Departments and Agencies were largely unable, and often unwilling, to provide their organizational EA metamodels and model content, so the CCEA repository remained largely empty until the project's funding was expended at the end of FY05.    (41WH)

The CCEA efforts for FY06 and beyond continued in other forms after the FY05 initial effort. It appears that the NCS has ongoing mission responsibility for its continuance, although FEMA and DoD involvement and perhaps stewardship is expected to continue.    (2ZG1) 703-598-2351    (2YP6)