Rosalie Ruegg (3W2W)
- Consultant and Managing Director, (3W2X)
- Technology Impact Assessment (TIA) Consulting, Inc. (3W2Y)
- 111 Pinewood Place, Emerald Isle, NC 28594 USA (3W2Z)
-, tel: 252-354-9321 (3W30)
- fax: 919 882-9766 (3W31)
Rosalie Ruegg, managing director of TIA Consulting, Inc., specializes in the assessment of Science and Technology (S&T) projects, programs, and portfolios. TIA Consulting, Inc., assembles specialized research teams to conduct evaluation studies of varying size and complexity, using a variety of evaluation methods and techniques. Clients include government agencies in the United States and abroad, universities, companies, and non-profit institutions. (3W32)
Recent accomplishments include tracing from energy storage research to hybrid car innovation for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE); an analysis of the U.S. Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program as a member of a National Academy of Sciences research team; contributions to a working report on the “Science of Science Policy” as a consultant to IDA’s Science and Technology Policy Institute; an assessment of Austria’s Genome Research Program and development of an evaluation plan for implementation by the Program; development of a handbook on evaluation methods for research program directors; development and implementation of a composite performance rating system for project and program portfolio analysis for the Advanced Technology Program (ATP); development of a set of case studies of industry challenges with potential solutions in high performance computing, for the Council on Competitiveness; assessment of the expected impacts of a new product standard for N.Y. State; contributions to a survey of quantitative evaluation methods for the Japanese Ministry of Industry and Trade; and co-authorship of an award-winning reference, A Toolkit for Evaluating Public R&D Investment. (3W33)
Prior positions include that of Director of the Advanced Technology Program’s Economic Assessment Office; senior economist in the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST’s) Center for Applied Mathematics; economics training course developer and presenter; college lecturer; and financial economist for the Federal Reserve System’s Board of Governors. She has more than 75 publications, including an economics textbook; and has served as economics editor of an energy encyclopedia, as guest editor of the Journal of Technology Transfer, as a member of Harvard University’s advisory committee for a study of technical risk management, and as a member of the National Research Council’s Steering Committee on methodology for estimating prospective benefits of energy investments. (3W34)
A former member of the U.S. Federal Senior Executive Service, she received the Department of Commerce’s Gold and Silver Medal Awards, the Engineering Economist’s 2001 Wellington Award, the American Evaluation Association’s Outstanding Publication Award in Evaluation (2004), and was elected to the NIST Gallery of Distinguished Alumni in 2005. She received degrees in economics from the University of North Carolina (with honors) and the University of Maryland (Woodrow Wilson Fellow), an M.B.A. (specialty in finance) from The American University, professional certification from Georgetown University, and executive training from the Federal Executive Institute and Harvard University. (3W35)