ColabRenNotes from September 18, 2007 Event (3O7C)
Renate’s event Notes: Sept 07 (after 10:30am) (3O7D)
Topic: Future Colab Event themes / Needs - Summary Discussion (3O6E)
•How to make scientists collaborate? (You don’t ‘make’ them do anything – they will go where it is useful to do what they want and need to do) (3O6F)
•Is adoption of Tools a necessity for progress? Technology will be used---scientists will need to adapt (it would be nice if technology could be flexible enough to provide a barrier free environment for scientists to work in) (3O6G)
•What is the role of leadership in collaboration? (3O6H)
•Science of Science idea --- ontologies --- break it down by domain?--- needed are dynamic ontologies that can contextually adapt? (3O6I)
•NSF funding cyber infrastructure approach – i.e., how to make communities work together {nid 3O6J} •Roadmap --- defining the larger goals of a roadmap – i.e., how would this be used? Value of roadmap--- ?PCAS?-- for federal agencies where you are on this map--- orientation Road mapping --- emergent process -unexpected discovery- take turns --- keep it flexible-- at the frontiers of science versus bean counters - Go off --- don't want road maps --- models --- risk of success --- emergence--- stochastic models --- tools- report on models from experience - how they actually worked (3O7E)
•Avoid anything that is static --- needs to be a dynamic process --- things change too quickly (3O7F)
•Express--- goals of the research community - map 49 technical areas considered to be important --- correlate current activities-- layout--- look at coverage - readjustment - IT tools to help automate the process (3O6K)
•Emerging technology process StratAnal strategy markup language---GPO--- compare across missions Outcomes and impacts on scientific enterprise (3O6L)
•Information sharing requirements WIKI version --- Frontier version --- versus Publication version Static versus dynamic view Maturity models - what is more mature than something else? Science advances only if knowledge is shared --- knowledge disseminate --- protection intellectual property --- tech innovation program - critical national need Continuity of operations --- collaborative technology Collect info - when it is still available (3O6M)
•Data administration - who is in charge? --- grant segment --- review application funding decision (3O6N)
•Cross disciplinary research – cross media application – experience from ‘Video collab’ - it is hard - must include control (3O6O)
•Use of electronic collaboration tools--- not easy not cheap but once implemented really vauable-- leverage use of non-profits--- helpful - inclusion of best practices Return on investment ROI) -- collaborative tools --- show and understand the benefits (3O6P)
•NIH - quality of peer review – face to face meetings versus different type of discussions --- how technology influences the outcomes - Science is hard to measure (3O6Q)
•Need information regarding lifecycle of returns - from basic to applied science Now count publications – what do we measure instead during formative collaborative science activities? (3O6R)
•Social network dynamics--- Spread of knowledge – measurement – description assessment tools - Stimulation of new ideas – a benefit - the social value associated with that as a metric Bill Bainbridge -- June science magazine --- social scientist --- virtual worlds -- doing science - gaming (3O6S)
•Diffusion of knowledge -- getting smarter around David Woods article--- Practice Centered Design ---timing of activities “SimScience” Gary Burk?... (3O6T)
•Knowledge Dissemination - Simulation is the third tier of science ---- simulating nuclear reactions in second life Irony: blocked from getting to Second Life (at the nuclear regulatory commission) need to work from home to even get to Second Life (3O6U)
•Knowledge Collaboration - NRC - center of expertise for domain knowledge in the world - validated knowledge --- WIKIpedia is not research --- encyclopedia --- Wikipedia is just a pointer to valid research validity of the sources --- Wiki- Knowledge claims – how can we validate our knowledge? --- How valid is our knowledge? (3O6V)
•Anyone can create knowledge artifacts - knowledge expressions – now needed New Adobe Macromedia like – ‘Master Studio’ tools for scientist educators --- to cross the line from out-sourcing to do-it-yourself - Diffuse----do your own user-generated content - knowledge by scientists and educators (3O6W)
•November --- DOD -- modeling and simulation Workshop -- measuring models - what is being measured? What is the unit - what do people want --- measurement (3O6X)
•Document the colab spaces --- want someone from Google to learn how to do this (3O6Y)
•Building Bridges - Management science - collaborative tools to support 'bridge-building' - narrative knowledge --- modality of the spaces -- supplementation by text - are there ways to include individuals for visual /// mathematical types of knowledge expression -- include video --- other forms high-level rather than nitty-gritty - visualization should have greater focus --- mural employee example (3O6Z)
•Gary Burk? - NSF cyber infrastructure - examples of successful funding of collaborative efforts and how to institutionalize them (3O70)
•Needed - A Social Network scientist -- lessons from developing Federal Standards Session on process - failures - successes What are best Collaborative practices? – How to bring about changes in organizations? How to make the paradigm changes (3O71)
•PhD program under development --- computational social sciences activity patterns - activity centered collaboration - advanced distributed learning group - put pedagogical ---SCORM - instructional design - science education what to do ADL group in Alexandria - authorizing bill --- Science training -- how can we use Web 2.0 tools to expand mentoring networks? Expertise in dynamic clustering -- enhanced mentoring Ability to map areas of science --- (3O72)
•ROI need looking at the economics of the knowledge age E-bay and/or Amazon --- “Reputation” - U.of Michigan funded - look at different types of computation Consequences -- "Game the system" -- boost the reputation - make it fair--- big issue (3O73)
•Participant and member attribution tracking --- Recognition -- Intellectual Property --- how can we enable IP - a barrier to knowledge diffusion ---- simulation --- (3O74)
•Quality of merit review- challenge now: receive many more proposals -- how to scale up while maintaining the quality?--- number of proposals Bill Bainbridge--- book on social uses - mentoring training (3O75)
•Virtual advisory committee meetings -- Scientists --- What is a plausible? -; alternatives – different way of working – instead of making everyone come here – any nice technology and usable option -- is very interesting to NSF. (3O76)
•Susan Turnbull - Peer Review - thinking through how to engage stakeholders earlier Balance power relationship -- Bill Smith -- World Bank -- stakeholder concept -- Shifting – “The Right to Know - Transparency in an Open World” Virtual Spaces - practice spaces --- barriers can come down - make possible learning and capabilities that we would not have thought of before (3O77)
•Purpose statements --- accommodate the largest amount of difference -allows bridge building to occur (3O78)
•Nuggets- suggestions.... coordinating groups - combined learning (3O79)
•Starting on Wed Sept 25 - teleconference 11-1pm noon- Oct workshop - seamless move physical to virtual - spillover - identity mgmt - (3O7A)
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