Renate Roske-Shelton, Ph.D. (3W5K)
Cognitive Psychologist, Usability Engineering, Information Architecture, Design and Access. Since January 2008 an employee with the Food and Drug Administration's Web Communications Management Team (FDA/OC/OPA/OER) - Usability. (3VC0)
October 12, 2007: Second Annual Usability Conference Presentation Title: WIKI Platforms for Collaboration: When Convenient Access and Ease of Use Are Not Enough / Authors: Renate Roske-Shelton and Lois Bangiolo (3QBC)
- Abstract: Wiki spaces for idea and knowledge work originated with the purpose of providing users with a “quick” tools interface to minimize new learning and enable easy writing contributions and file postings. Their early promise has not always been fulfilled as expected and productive collaborative user behaviors are at best evolving very slowly. This presentation will address some “macro-usability” features which appear vital for a successful and persistent WIKI project evolution. (3O85)
Colab Event 18 Sept 07 Renate Notes (3O6D)
Some related WIKI's I belong to: (3LKY)
- Brain Storming Web 2.0 at NIH (3O8A)
- Collaborative Information Science WIKI (UMD) - this space is for members of a recent UMD HCIL2007 Workshop entitled Collaborative Sensemaking (3LL2)
My favorite anonymous quote from the UMD workshop: "If the talks don't compell you, there is always the WIKI." (3LL0)
Some Community Blog Sites I belong to: (3O7T)
- A Global Networking Site For the Professional IT Community (3O7U)
My Own Publications Related to Sensemaking: (3O7Q)
- Roske-Hofstrand, R.J. (1988) Discourse understanding of displayed actions: an investigation of the temporal relations of event schemas and their effect on reconstruction. Dissertation: New Mexico State University; Las Cruces, New Mexico; April. (3O7R)
- Video in applied cognitive research for human-centered design. Source ACM SIGCHI Bulletin archive Volume 21 , Issue 2 (October 1989) Pages: 75 - 77 Year of Publication: 1989 ISSN:0736-6906 Author Renate J. Roske-Hofstrand Publisher ACM Press New York, NY, USA (3O7S)
FYI Favorite Tool (just discovered) for creating properly styled Bibliographic References: (3W5L)
Byline of this software is: NoodleBib motivates you to be an ethical researcher (3O7V)
>>>>>Requesting YOUR Input<<<<< (3W5M)
Research Question for everyone reading this: (3W5N)
- How has this WIKI forum changed how you do things in your work and/or how you interact with people?''' (3JGC)
- I am interested in getting recall descriptions of any frustrations, difficulties, improvements, all things you can attribute to (and discuss) related to this Wiki. (3W5O)
- Please enter anything via edits on the page labeled WikiQuest (3W5P)
- For additional information regarding this, please contact: (3W5Q)
- Phone: 301-827-6247 (3W5R)
- Mobile: 410-279-2481 (3W5S)
- E-mail: (3JHE)
- see our new Home page at (3W4K)
Some NLM Web Sites I contribute to in terms of Usability, Accessibility & Design (3O7O)
- - Home Page to the National Library of Medicine (3JH0)
- - Featured Women Physicians Web Site to accompany a traveling exhibit entitiled "Changing the Face of Medicine" (3JH1)
- - a site designed for the elderly user seeking quality health information (3JHJ)
- - health information for everyone (3JHK)
- - A Prescription Drug Label Information Utility {nid 3JH2} Return To: RenateRoskeShelton (3O7P)
Cool and/or Recently Discovered: (3JH3)
- - a "semantic" mapping search tool (3JH4)
- - an educational campaign by USPTO directed at small US businesses to protect Intellectual Property (3JH5)
Liked Resource Links (growing list as my external memory): (3JHF)
- Doug Engelbart Web Site (3JH6)
Some other of my online Publications and References of potential interest to measuring and describing knowledge spaces: {nid 3JH7} (3W5T)
Renate's Publications related to Measurements (3O82)
Discriminating between degrees of low or high similarity: implications for scaling techniques using semantic judgments Source Ablex Series In Computational Science archive (3W5U)
Pathfinder associative networks: studies in knowledge organization {nid 3W5V} Pages: 61 - 73 Year of Publication: 1990 ISBN:0-89391-624-2 Authors Renate J. Roske-Hofstrand Kenneth R. Raap Publisher Ablex Publishing Corp. Norwood, NJ, USA (3JHI)
Video in applied cognitive research for human-centered design Renate J. Roske-Hofstrand October 1989 ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, Volume 21 Issue 2 Publisher: ACM Press Full text available: pdf(214.66 KB) {nid 3JGV} "Video constitutes one of the most direct and contextually rich means for capturing observable behavior in human-computer interaction. However, a major shortfall of this type of visual medium lies in its failure to directly capture those aspects of user behavior that can predictably be associated with human cognition. Goal-directed cognitive user processes such as those that occur in problem-solving, decision-making, and planning activities are by their nature not subject to recording on camera." (3JH8)
Also See: - My favorite online library (3JHL)
Renate MISC: (3W5W)
Reminder Notes on How to Communicate Your Message (Value) - how to build a "marketing" strategy (3O81)
- Value - Qualities useful for others - determining worth through assessment - report benefits - Outcome - Impact - Influence - Significance = Better Understanding Build messages that your target can relate to using the same vocabulary and terms that others can relate to (3JHA)
- User focus is more important than ever - write a mission statement (this is essential - it should tie you into the greater scheme) - write how you contribute to your organization - do periodic needs assessment of the customer - --Example: Just in time processes; marketing needs - customized interfaces - selective information dissemination services etc. (3JHB)
- Develop a culture of assessment - prioritize outcomes (any benefit to people, processes or positive changes)- describe your value and make decisions! (3JHC)
changed name in account from RoskeHF to RenateRoskeShelton (3W5X)
Ren Recommended Books (3O7K)
"What's Next? - the expert's guide - Predictions from 50 of America's Most Compelling People by Jane Buckingham; published 2008 (3W1L)
"Wikinomics - How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything by Don Tapscott and Anthony D. Williams; published 2006/2007. (3L76)
"In Search of Memory - The Emergence of a New Science of Mind by Eric R. Kandel; published 2006 (3L75)
"Letting Go of the Words - Writing Web Content that works. by Janice (Ginny) Redish; published 2007 (3L75)
"Foundations of Augmented Cognition - Augmented Cognition edited by D. Schmorrow, D. Nicholson, J. Drexler, and L. Reeves; 4th edition 2007 published by Strategic Analysis, Inc.; Arlington, VA. (3PYX)
Ren Recommended Viewing (3O7L)
An excellent plain English short video explanation about "What's a Wiki?"and what collaborative behavior can produce . (3LKX)