Brief Bio (153)
Co-founded TopQuadrant in 2001, US consulting company devoted to Semantic Technology. In the US since 1994, when I was a founder member of IBM's Global Consulting Services for Object Technology. When objects became widespread in IBM consulting, we became the Java and Emerging Technology practice. Later I got involved in IBM's Portal practice before starting TopQuadrant. (158)
- Co-Organizer of the 2nd conference on Semantic Technology for eGovernment - (4HK)
- Co-organizer of the White House Conference Center September 8th, 2003 Conference on Semantic Technologies - (14N)
- Member of SICoP (14O)
Some Projects (Open for Collaboration) (14W)
- Enterprise Architecture and PLM ontologies - in connection with NASA work (14V)
- Device Ontologies (155)
- Federal Enterprise Architecture Ontology (14P)
- eBXML ontologies (156)
- System Engineering Ontologies - INCOSE work (157)
Tooling for Semantic Modeling (14X)
- Protege - OWL work (14Y)
- Prolog - Ontology Splitters and Name Change Propagation (14Z)
- RDFgateway from IntelliDimension (150)
- K-Infinity from Intelligent Views (151)
- OntoEdit from Ontoprise (152)
- TopQuadrant "TopBraid" (14Q)