Comments and Suggestions by Mike Tiemann [inside] (3C67)
Practical Guide to SOA Implementation (3C68)
Date: December 8, 2006 (3C69)
- How do agencies prepare and implement SOA? [is this where policy and fit to existing architecture efforts are discussed?] (3C6A)
- Alignment of IT capabilities to strategic business implications [how does one align to an implication? –this needs to be stated differently also need another bullet-see below] (3C6B)
- New Bullet: What SOA is not addressing now opr in the future. [or is everything SOA- IZED in the future] (3C6C)
- Stages of Service Architectural Maturity [Isn’t this a part of overall EA Maturity?] (3C6D)
Etc. (3C6E)