Patrick Heinig (2R1D)
* Project Performance Corporation (3DGM)
- Senior Technical Consultant (3DGN)
* Federal Service History (3DGG)
- Retired from Federal Service, April 2006 (3DGH)
- Last Assignment: Senior Enterprise Architect, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water, (on detail from the Bureau of Industry and Security, U.S. Department of Commerce (2R1E)
- Previous Department of Commerce Affiliation: Chief Information Officer, Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), 1999-2003, Chief Enterprise Architect, BIS, 2003-2005. (3DGI)
* Previous Federal Interagency Affiliations (2R1I)
- -------------------- (3DGL)
- Member, CIO Council, Architecture and Infrastructure Committee, Governance Subcommittee (2R1J)
- Member. Chief Architects Forum Planning Team (2R1K)
- Lead, Governance Subcommittee Task 4 , Unifying and Integrating Federal Enterprise Architectures, supported by the Mitre Center for Enterprise Modernization; Report published in April 2005 for FEAPMO Strategic Objective Planning (2R1L)
- Co-Chair, Data Architecture Working Group (DAWG), Federal Health Architecture (31KD)