Collaborative Expedition Workshop #21    (41GC)

January 14, 2003    (41NV)

Open Architectural and Design Processes for Citizen-Centric Government    (41NW)

Purpose: To explore the Potential and Realities of Open Architectural and Design Processes for Citizen-Centric Government. How can diverse people gather in civic settings to develop creative forms of collaborative action that support common purposes of self-governance, security and prosperity?    (41NX)

8:30 a.m.- Coffee and Networking    (41NY)

8:50 a.m.- Welcome and Introduction, Susan Turnbull, GSA and Brand Niemann, EPA    (41NZ)

9:00 a.m.- The Federal Enterprise Architecture - An Overview of Vision and Progress, Bob Haycock, Chief Architect, Federal Enterprise Architecture Program Management Office, OMB; Co-chair, Governance Subcommittee and Components Subcommittee, Architecture and Infrastructure Committee, CIO Council,    (41O0)

9:45 a.m.- Dialogue    (41O1)

10:00 a.m.- How can we build a distributed intelligence information infrastructure responsive to national urgencies? How do proprietary and free/open source (FOSS) components mix in co-sourcing development processes? by Terry Bollinger, MITRE. He will brief us on the results of a new survey completed by MITRE for the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) on the number and types of FOSS applications within the Department of Defense. The main conclusion of the analysis was that FOSS software plays a more critical role in the DoD than has generally been recognized.    (41O2)

10:45 a.m.- Dialogue    (41O3)

11:00 a.m.- Leveraging Collaboration and Co-Sourcing: Designing Intergovernmental and Enterprise Services employing Collaborative Development Strategies and Infrastructure, Mike Kochanik, Collabnet    (41O4)

11:45 a.m.- Dialogue    (41O5)

12:00 p.m.- Who is Here? Who is Missing?    (41O6)

12:30 p.m.- Lunch/ Networking    (41O7)

1:30 p.m.- A Web Services Manifesto, Phillip Windley, former CTO, State of Utah    (41O8)

2:45 p.m.- Workshop Adjourns    (41O9)