Collaborative Expedition Workshop #18 (41G8)
October 15, 2002 (41KL)
Collective Intelligence: Linking Outposts on the Digital Frontier (41KM)
9:30 a.m. - Coffee and Welcome Susan Turnbull, GSA, Owen Ambur, DoI, and Brand Niemann, EPA (41KN)
10:00 a.m. - The Engelbart Framework (41KO)
Doug Engelbart, Ph.D., Presentation -- Bootstrap Alliance: Linking Outposts on the Digital Frontier Background Paper -- Linking Outposts on the Digital Frontier (41KP)
11:00 a.m. - Two Case Studies using Engelbart Framework (41KQ)
Mei Lin Fung, The Bootstrap Alliance: Linking Networked Improvement Communities (41KS)
11:40 a.m.- Discussion (41KT)
12:15 a.m.- What's Possible in Collaboration? (41KU)
Bill Mularie, Ph.D., Chairman, Telework Consortium, and Grant Holcomb, Chief Scientist for the Health Communications Research Consortium, Director of Bioinformatics, Tulane University School of Medicine (remote presentation and demonstration from Tulane University) (41KV)
1:00 p.m.- Who is Here? Who is missing? Lunch/ Networking (bring your own bag lunch or RSVP for sandwich & beverage $8.00 cost/person) (41KW)
2:00 p.m.- How to Successfully Institutionalize New Initiatives in Large Organizations (41KX)
Werner Schaer, CEO, Software Productivity Consortium (41KY)
2:30 p.m.- Discussion (41KZ)
3:00 p.m.- Adjournment (41L0)