Collaborative Expedition Workshop #19 (41GA)
November 12, 2002 (41ML)
Potential and Realities of Multilateral Organizing for Public Health Informatics and Preparedness (41MM)
Purpose: To explore the Potential and Realities of Multilateral Organizing for Public Health Informatics and Preparedness. How do communities of practice form the connected relationships needed to amplify distributed intelligence and sharing in high-stakes settings? How can we build a Public Health Information Infrastructure responsive to the urgencies of vulnerable populations and bio-terrorism preparedness? How can connection-making among rapidly forming Improvement Communities be taken to the next level? (41MN)
9:00 a.m.- Coffee and Networking (41MO)
9:20 a.m.- Welcome and Introduction, Susan Turnbull, GSA and Brand Niemann, EPA (41MP)
9:40 a.m.- Act I: Scenario of a Public Health Emergency in Harford County, David Eng, EPA, Member of BSA/ Harford County Local Emergency Preparedness Committee (LEPC) and resident of Harford County (Fictional Case Study Scenario provided at workshop) (41MQ)
9:50 a.m.- Act II: "Situation Room" Scenario Discussion led by, Tom Lewis, M.D., Primary Care Coalition, Shannon Collins, VA and Nick Guzman, M.D., George Washington University Hospital Discussion will be Interspersed by brief Demonstrations of Emerging Capabilities for Coordinated Action in the Harford County Scenario and Beyond, Brand Niemann (41MR)
- GIS visualization and Open Conferencing/collaboration to assess the situation, with Grant Holcomb, Tulane University (41MS)
- Reverse 911 Public Communications, Dan Buan, (41MT)
- DISER, Rapid Identification and Collaborative Response tool, Dave Eng (41MU)
- Creating Virtual Distributed Knowledge Repositories, Brand Niemann (41MV)
11:20 a.m.- Act II: Beyond the "Situation Room" Discussion and Introductions by Workshop Participants: Who is Here? Who are you today in relation to this purpose? Who is Missing? What Works? What's needed? led by Joseph Dal Molin, Open Source Health Alliance and George Brett, Internet2 (41MW)
12:15 p.m.- Lunch/ Networking (bring your own bag lunch or RSVP for sandwich & beverage $8.00 cost/person) (41MX)
1:00 p.m.- Act III: Closing and What's Next for Harford County and Communities Beyond Nick Guzman and Susan Turnbull (41MY)
- B-SAFER- Bio-surveillance, Analysis, Feedback, Evaluation and Response, David Forslund, Los Alamos National Labs (41MZ)
- Secure Content Management in Public Health Informatics with ZOPE, Jim Fulton, CTO, ZOPE Corporation (41N0)
2:15 p.m.- Adjourn (41N1)