Collaborative Expedition Workshop #25    (41GJ)

June 17, 2003    (41LO)

Alignment around the Emerging Federal Healthcare Enterprise, Public Health Informatics and Emergency Preparedness    (41LP)

Purpose: To explore the Potential and Realities of Alignment around the Emerging Federal Healthcare Enterprise, Public Health Informatics and Emergency Preparedness: Evolution Toward Citizen-Centered Governmen tthrough the Federal Enterprise Architecture Blueprint. How are new collaboration norms and civic tools broadening how societies' create and preserve meaning together over time? As more people gather together to achieve the creativity demanded by complex national challenges, such as healthcare and emergency preparedness, what will the new institutions of public association, accountability, and standards-building look like?    (41LQ)

8:30 a.m.- Coffee and Networking    (41LR)

8:45 a.m.- Welcome and Introduction, Susan Turnbull, Chair, Universal Access WG    (41LS)

9:00 a.m.- 'Leveraging Open Components: Distributed Collaborative Tools for Public Health Surveillance, David Forslund'', Los Alamos National Laboratory The challenge of medical surveillance is a system sensitive enough to detect a disease outbreak very early with enough accuracy and specificity to enable a proper response to thethreat. David will present the pilot deployment of a component-based system in Albuquerque, NM, as part of the National Biodefense Initiative (BDI). The modular, open source architecture of the system facilitates integration of diverse data sources and organizes them both for detection of single events and deviations from seasonal averages. It is built around the open standards of the Object Management Group, so that any system implementing those standards could be connected up easily,but this is not a requirement for data collection.    (41LT)

9:45 a.m.- Standards and XML Web Services Deployment in a New Health Information System: Establishment of READI, a First Responder Training Institute at George Washington University, by DanKaniewski, Executive Director of GWU Center for Emergency Preparedness, Jim Michelson, Director of Clinical Informatics,GWU School of Medicine and Health Sciences, and Nick Guzman,M.D., Center for Emergency Preparedness (CEP), George Washington University, Ashburn, VA Campus    (41LU)

10:15 a.m.- Accelerating Partnerships for Sharing and Integration of Agency Health information and Service Capabilities through Applications enabled by the Consolidated Health Informatics Initiative, Marc Wine, Department of Veterans Affairs, and member of the Consolidated Health Informatics Initiative (see government to business)    (41LV)

11:00 a.m.- Dialogue    (41LW)

11:35 a.m.- Beyond Health Brochures: Multi-media Navigation for Public Health Informatics by Janina Sajka, American Foundation for the Blind, Andy Affleck, DevIS,and Markku Hakkinen, Chair, W3C's WAI R&D Interest Group.    (41LX)

DAISY is built upon SMIL, the synchronized multimedia standardfrom W3C, and with that foundation, DAISY is primed to move beyond just the current text and audio book model. This presentation will examine the potential of applying DAISY to richmultimedia content. Examples will be drawn from accessible cinema and emergency preparedness information. Demonstration will include structured navigation of Medicare information by telephone using the DAISY/ANSI standard.    (41LY)

12:15 p.m.- Dialogue    (41LZ)

12:45 p.m.- Who is Here? Who is Missing?    (41M0)

1:15 p.m.- Lunch/ Networking    (41M1)