Collaborative Expedition Workshop #23 (41GG)
April 15, 2003 (41L2)
Potential and Realities for Excellence in Public Space: Architecting Forms with Meaning that Stand the Test of Time (41L3)
Purpose To explore the Potential and Realities for Excellence in Public Space: Architecting Forms with Meaning that Stand the Test of Time. As we look back over the history of notation systems (language, music, books, architecture, mathematics, money) are we overdue for a notational breakthrough to accommodate the complex forms and relationships of our era? (41L4)
Is the notation the limitation? How are new Collaborative Discovery and Collaborative Engagement tools like Business Rule Notation Systems, Digital Talking Books and Topic Maps broadening how societies' share and preserve meaning over time? (41L5)
8:30 a.m.- Coffee and Networking (41L6)
8:45 a.m.- Welcome and Introduction, Susan Turnbull, Chair, Universal Access WG and Brand Niemann, Chair, Web Services WG (41L7)
9:00 a.m.- Leveraging Notational Systems: Developing Applications that Stand the Test of Time, Jeff Long, Independent Consultant By studying and applying the power and principles of notation systems from the ancient past to the present (books, music, money, mathematics, chemistry), Jeff has evolved a new way to embed business rule-making into computer code. This enterprise architecture approach yields: (41LJ)
- a life-cycle of productive usage (10+ years) that resembles a physical asset; (41LK)
- continuous, flexible adaptation to changing business rules; and (41LL)
- maintenance costs 10 times less than comparable enterprise code. (41L8)
9:45 a.m.- Dialogue (41L9)
10:15 a.m.- Surpassing Gutenberg: Demonstration of the Open Standard Digital Talking Book and Implications for Citizen-Centered Service Delivery. Highlights of the US Government's first digital talking book, in use by patrons at 1300 Federal Depository Libraries by Selene Dalecky, GPO. Demonstration of Anticipated Benefits of Digital Talk Book Technology in E-government and Data Reference Model Initiatives: Rendering Content in Six Ways to Meet Citizen Expectations and Preferences. Presentation and Demonstrations by Janina Sajka, American Foundation for the Blind and Dave Schleppenbach, GH Braille (41LA)
11:00 a.m.- Dialogue (41LB)
11:25 a.m.- Overview of XML Web Services Meeting at 2 PM and Upcoming Events, Brand Niemann (41LC)
11:30 a.m.- Aggregating Information Across Individual Agencies and E-Gov Initiatives with Topic Maps, Michel Biezunski, Coolheads Consulting (41LD)
Topic Maps represent an open standards, open collaboration approach to navigating knowledge that provides a "Third Way" for individuals and organizations who witness: (41LM)
- failed attempts at "full control" and (41LN)
- infoglut burdens of "no control". Demonstrations will include IRS Topic Map Pilot and a Topic Map of Open Source/Standards for Egov. Conference Presentations (41LE)
12:15 p.m.- Dialogue (41LF)
12:45 p.m.- Who is Here? Who is Missing? (41LG)
1:15 p.m.- Lunch/ Networking (41LH)
2:00 p.m.- Adjourn (41LI)