Collaborative Expedition Workshop #22 (41GF)
Tuesday, March 4, 2003 (41NF)
Potential and Realities for Emerging Discovery Processes to Help Citizens See and Participate in the Workings of their Government (41NG)
Purpose: To explore the Potential and Realities for Emerging Discovery Processes (on-line rulemaking, national asset accounting standards, and enterprise architecture topic maps) to Help Citizens See and Participate in the Workings of their Government. How can these Open Standards for Discovery yield Synergistic Gains in the Vitality and Agility of Institutions and Inter-enterprise Collaborations? (41NH)
8:30 a.m.- Coffee and Networking (41NI)
8:45 a.m.- Welcome and Introduction, Susan Turnbull, Chair, Universal Access WG and Brand Niemann, Chair, Web Services WG (41NJ)
9:00 a.m.- Online rulemaking: a Step toward E-governance by Robert D. Carlitz and Rosemary W. Gunn, Information Renaissance Section 206 of the E-government Act provides for phased installation of electronic dockets in all rulemaking agencies. How can we build a transparent, online environment that encourages public input? An early milestone is (41NK)
9:45 a.m.- Dialogue (41NL)
10:15 a.m.- How can We Build a Distributed Intelligence Infrastructure that Leverages Hidden Benefits of New Local Government Asset Accountability (Government Accounting Standards Board 34) in order to Advance National Response Capability? by Bruce Cahan, President, Urban Logic (41NM)
GASB-34 requires a new level of condition assessment reporting for infrastructure owned and maintained by state and local governments - much of it funded with federal dollars. This is conducive to local infrastructure being built and rebuilt to withstand "all-risk" hazards and threats to cities and their residents. Integration of local spatial (GIS) data and financial data (GASB-34) correlated with federal mandates, using Federal Enterprise Architecture mapping, can enhance the clarity needed by intergovernmental collaborations to optimize overall risk resilience. Local and state government bond rating improvements, a strong, long-term driver in this scenario, may become a recognized measure of this more seamless e-government performance. (41NN)
11:00 a.m.- Dialogue (41NO)
11:30 a.m.- The Promise of Ontology-based Knowledge Technologies for Enabling Citizens: An Exploration with Scenario-based "Capability Cases"by Ralph Hodgson, Co-founder and Executive Partner, TopQuadrant, Inc. (41NP)
Presentation reflects current work with NASA Space engineering, General Motors etc. on knowledge-based systems with particular focus on applying web service ontologies to large systems and integrating new technologies into enterprise architectures. (41NQ)
12:15 p.m.- Dialogue (41NR)
12:45 p.m.- Who is Here? Who is Missing? (41NS)
1:15 p.m.- Lunch/ Networking (41NT)
2:00 p.m.- Adjourn (41NU)