Collaborative Expedition Workshop #3 (422K)
May 15, 2001 (422L)
Workshop Purpose: As seniors and teens explore cyberspace together, what is the potential and reality for current and future technology designs to augment the linguistic and cultural aspects of their shared experiences? (422M)
11:00 AM - Introductions - Participant introductions related to workshop purpose (422N)
- The Maine Story - CyberSeniors (422O)
- The Arlington County Story - 4-H CybersSenior/CyberTeens (422P)
- Your Story (422Q)
11:30 AM- The Office of Minority Health Story: Achieving Cultural Competency - Guadalupe Pacheco, Special Assistant, Office of Minority Health, Dept. of Health and Human Services (422R)
11:45 AM - Related stories/discussion (422S)
12:00 noon - The Melbourne, FL Story: Cultural and Linguistic Aspects of Web Site Usability - Annie Becker, Professor of Computer Science, Florida Institute of Technology (422T)
12:15 PM - Related stories/discussion (422U)
12:30 PM - Lunch ($8.00/cost per person for sandwich and beverage) (422V)
1:00 PM - The Palo Alto Story - Chuck Merritt, Teacher, Palo Alto High School' (422Z)
1:15 PM - The Federal Picture on Limited English Proficiency - findings from an independent study by Von Harrison, recent Master's graduate, Syracuse University (422X)
1:30 PM - Individual reflections - How do these stories relate to your sense of purpose in your setting? (422Y)