Curriculum Vitae    (42CQ)



	Center for International Science		and	Department of Economics
		and Technology Policy				The George Washington University
	The George Washington University		1922 F Street, N.W.
	1957 E Street, N.W., Suite 403			Old Main, Suite 208
	Washington, D.C. 20052				Washington, D.C. 20052    (42CT)
								Tel:  (1-202) 994-6458
								Fax:  (1-202) 994-1639
								Cell: (1-202) 378-6230 (confidential)
	6768 Brigadoon Drive
	Bethesda, MD 20817
	Tel.  (1-301) 320-4080 (confidential)    (42CU)


	Ph.D., 1989, New York University, U.S.A. (Economics)
	M.Phil., 1987, New York University, U.S.A. (Economics)
	M.A., 1983, Leicester University, U.K. (Economic Development)
	B.A., 1981, University of Athens, Greece (Economics)    (42CW)


Industrial Organization / Economics of Technological Change Strategic Business Partnerships / Innovation Networks Science, Technology, and Innovation Strategy and Policy / R&D Program Assessment    (42CY)


i. Academic Appointments    (42D0)

Professor of Economics and International Affairs, Department of Economics & Center for International Science and Technology Policy (CISTP), The George Washington University, 2004 - present; Associate Professor, 1996-2004; Assistant Professor 1990-1996.    (42D1)

	Instructor of Economics, Department of Economics, New York University, 1986-1988.    (42D2)

ii. Administrative Positions    (42D3)

Director, Center for International Science and Technology Policy (CISTP), George Washington University, 2001 – present; Deputy Director, 1998-2001. Director, Graduate Program on International Science and Technology Policy (ISTP), George Washington University, 1998 - present. Dean’s Council, Elliott School of International Affairs Appointments, Promotion and Tenure Committee, Elliott School of International Affairs Advisory Council on Research, George Washington University Academic Excellence Committee, George Washington University Steering Committee for the doctoral Public Policy Program    (42D4)

iii. Visiting Positions, Research    (42D5)

Research Associate, CESPRI, Luigi Bocconi University, Milano, Italy, 2001 - present. Research Associate, Management Science Laboratory, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece, 2001 - present. Research Associate, Laboratory for Industry and Energy Economics, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, 1998 - present. Visiting Scholar, Maastricht Economic Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (MERIT), University of Maastricht, Netherlands, Fall 1997. Visiting Scholar, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, Spring 1998.    (42D6)

	Research Associate, Center for Science and Technology Policy, New York University and
		Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1985 - 1989.    (42D7)

Intern, United Nations Centre for Transnational Corporations, New York, 1984.    (42D8)

iii. Research Funding - Consulting    (42D9)

U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) U.S. National Research Council, National Academies of Science (NRC/NAS) U.S. Department of Commerce, Advanced Technology Program (ATP) U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science (DOE/OS) U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) European Commission, DG Research European Commission, DG Information Society European Commission, Washington Delegation Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) United Nations, Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UN/ESCWA) The World Bank, Private Sector Development Science and Technology Policy Institute, Republic of Korea (STEPI) Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning, Republic of Korea (KISTEP) SRI International General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Greece National Statistical Agency of Greece    (42DA)

iv. Advisory Committees, Boards    (42DB)

Member of the International Advisory Board on Evaluation and Impact Analysis, VINNOVA, Sweden, 2007-    (42DC)

Member of the Advisory Committee of the International Science & Engineering Programs, U.S. National Science Foundation, 2006-    (42DD)

Member of the Board of Directors, Korea-U.S. Science Cooperation Center, Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF), 2004-    (42DE)

Editorial Board, Innovations (Journal)    (42DF)

Advisory Board, Research Evaluation (Journal)    (42DG)

v. Expert Committees - Testimony    (42DH)

Chair of the High-Level Expert Panel developing a “Monitoring & Evaluation Roadmap” for the Directorate-Generale Information Society and Media (INFSO), European Commission (January-December 2006)    (42DI)

Member and Rapporteur of the High-level Expert Panel for the 5-Year Assessment of the EU Framework Programmes on Research and Technological Development, Directorate General Research, European Commission (May 2004 – December 2004).    (42DJ)

Member of the Panel for the project “Innovation Models for Aerospace Technologies”, Board on Science, Technology and Economic Policy, US National Academies of Science (NAS), (Spring 2004 – Spring 2005).    (42DK)

Member of the Working Group on “Innovation Infrastructure and the Environment” for the “National Innovation Initiative”, organized by the US Council on Competitiveness (February 2004 – December 2004).    (42DL)

Member of the Subpanel of the Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (BESAC) of the Department of Energy to examine DOE’s Office of Science approach to performance measurement in view of GPRA (Jan. 24-25, 2002)    (42DM)

Member of STRATA-ETAN Expert Group on Intellectual Property Rights in Publicly Funded Research & Development (European Commission – 2001-2003)    (42DN)

Member of STRATA-ETAN Expert Group on Intellectual Property Rights in International Collaboration (European Commission – 2000-2001)    (42DO)

Testified in joint hearings by the Federal Trade Commission and the Antritrust Division, US Department of Justice on the potential usefulness of guidelines on research joint ventures (May 1997)    (42DP)


Co-founder of the Washington Research Evaluation Network (WREN), a forum for informed discussion, research, and decision-making on R&D program evaluation. Open membership includes public and private sector practitioners, academics, and consultants. Co-Principal organizer of the first major international conference of WREN at the George Washington University, December 4-5, 2003. Co-organizer of the second international conference of WREN in collaboration with the European Commission, Brussels, June 17-18, 2004, and of the third international conference of WREN in Seoul, Republic of Korea, May 31 – June 1, 2005. Co-organizer of smaller workshops, especially as they relate to ex ante program evaluation (investment strategy).    (42DR)

Organizing Committee, 5th International Industrial Organization Conference (2007)    (42DS)


i. Books    (42DU)

The Innovation Imperative: National Innovation Strategies in the Global Economy, editor, Edward Elgar, forthcoming 2008 (Co-editors, Goran Marklund, Charles Wessner).    (42DV)

Knowledge Flows in European Industry: Mechanisms and Policy Implications, editor, Routledge, 2006 (Co-editors, Yannis Caloghirou, Natasha Constantellou).    (42DW)

European Collaboration in Research and Development: Business Strategies and Public Policies, editor, Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2004 (Co-editors, Yannis Caloghirou and Stavros Ioannides).    (42DX)

Cooperation in Research and Development, Boston, MA; Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.    (42DY)

Cooperative Research in R&D-Intensive Industries, Aldershot, UK; Brookfield, VT: Avebury (Academic Publishers), 1991.    (42DZ)

ii. Other Edited Volumes    (42E0)

Strategic Research Partnerships, Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation, 2001. [Co-edited with John E. Jankowski and Albert N.Link.]    (42E1)

iii. Refereed Articles    (42E2)

“Risk Financing for Knowledge-Based Enterprises: Mechanisms and Policy Options”, Science and Public Policy, forthcoming. (With Guy Ben-Ari)    (42E3)

“Networked Research: European Policy Intervention for Information & Communication Technologies”, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, forthcoming. (With Stefano Breschi, Franco Malerba, Lorenzo Cassi)    (42E4)

“Research Networks as Infrastructure for Knowledge Diffusion in European Regions”, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 2008, 17(4/5), forthcoming. (With Nicolletta Corrocher, Franco Malerba, Lorenzo Cassi)    (42E5)

“Research partners”, International Journal of Technology Management, forthcoming. (With Koichiro Okamura)    (42E6)

“Real options framework to assess public research investments”, Science and Public Policy, 2007, 34(10): 699-708. (With Chintal Desai)    (42E7)

“S&T parks and business incubators in middle-sized countries: The case of Greece”, Journal of Technology Transfer, 2007, 32. (With Evangelia Sofouli)    (42E8)

“Intellectual property protection mechanisms in research partnerships”, Research Policy, 2006, 35(6): 825-38. (With Henry Hertzfeld and Al Link)    (42E9)

“Determinants of technology licensing”, Managerial and Decision Economics, 2006, 27(4): 235-49. (With YoungJun Kim)    (42EA)

“Technology licensing partners”, Journal of Economics and Business, 2006, 58(4): 273-89. (With YoungJun Kim)    (42EB)

“European alliance and knowledge networks”, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 2006, 18(5): 535-60. (With Koichiro Okamura)    (42EC)

“Managing large research partnerships”, Technovation, 2006, 26(10): 1101-10h. (With Richard N. Spivack)    (42ED)

“Multiproject contact in research joint ventures: Evidence and theory”, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2005, 58(4): 459-86. (With Christopher Snyder)    (42EE)

“Evaluating the European Union’s Research Framework Programmes: 1999-2003”, Science and Public Policy, 2005, 32(5): 399-406. (With Erkki Ormala)    (42EF)

“Antitrust policy, interface compatibility standards, and information technology”, Knowledge, Technology & Policy, 2005, 18(2): 126-47. (With Thomas Hemphill)    (42EG)

“Research joint ventures: A critical survey of theoretical and empirical literature”, Journal of Economic Surveys, 2003, 17(4): 541-70. (With Yannis Caloghirou and Stavros Ioannides.)    (42EH)

“Strategic Research Partnerships: A Managerial Perspective”, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 2003, 15(2): 255-71. (With Thomas Hemphill.)    (42EI)

 “The performance of research partnerships”, Managerial and Decision Economics, 2003, 24(2-3): 85-99. (With Yannis Caloghirou and George Hondroyannis.)    (42EJ)

“Building competitive firms: Technology policy initiatives in Latin America”, Technology in Society, 24, 2002.    (42EK)

“Science and technology policies towards research joint ventures”, Science and Public Policy, 2002, 29(2): 82-94. (With Yannis Caloghirou and Stavros Ioannides.)    (42EL)

“Toward an integrated model of strategy formulation for strategic technical alliances”, International Journal of Technology Transfer and Communications, 1(3), 2002. (With Chung-Shing Lee.)    (42EM)

"Convergence to symmetry in dynamic strategic models of R&D: The undiscounted case," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2001, 25(12): 1881-97. (With Sumit Joshi.)    (42EN)

“University-industry cooperation in the context of the European Framework Programmes”, Journal of Technology Transfer, 2001, 26(1-2): 153-61. (With Yannis Caloghirou and Aggelos Tsakanikas.)    (42EO)

“Apprentissage et cooperation a travers la recherce-developpement”, Technologies, Ideologies, Pratiques, XIV(1), 2000. (With Rigas Arvanitis.)    (42EP)

“Technology Policy in the United States and the European Union: Shifting Orientation Towards Technology Users,” Science and Public Policy, 2000, 27(2): 97-108.    (42EQ)

“Research Partnerships,” Research Policy, 2000, 29(4-5): 567-86. (With John Hagedoorn and Albert Link.)    (42ER)

“Multimarket contact and inter-firm cooperation in R&D,” Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 2000, 10(1-2): 243-71.    (42ES)

“Participation of European Union Companies in US Research Joint Ventures”, The IPTS Report, 2000. (With Albert Link.)    (42ET)

“Towards the knowledge-based economy: United States and its APEC partners”, Journal of APEC Studies, 1(2), 2000. (With Adam Tolnay)    (42EU)

“How do participants in research joint ventures diversify?”, The Review of Industrial Organization, 1999, 15(3): 263-81.    (42EV)

"R&D project selection in the public sector," Journal of Policy Analysis & Management, 1998, 17(4): 621-38. (With Henry R. Hertzfeld.)    (42EW)

“Strategic alliances in information technology and developing country firms: Policy perspectives,” Science, Technology and Society, 3(1), 1998.    (42EX)

“Research joint ventures: The use of databases”, The IPTS Report, May 1998.    (42EY)

"Research joint ventures in the United States", Research Policy, 1997, 26(4-5): 577-95.    (42EZ)

"Process innovation in small firms: Case studies on CNC machine tools," Technovation, 1997, 17(8): 427-38. (With Lan Xue.)    (42F0)

"Strategic alliances in information technology and developing country firms I: Recent evidence," World Development, 1997, 25(5): 657-80. (With Stratos P. Safioleas.)    (42F1)

"Two-stage R&D competition: An elasticity characterization," Southern Economic Journal, 1996, 62(4): 930-37. (With Sumit Joshi.)    (42F2)

"New directions for U.S. science and technology policy: The view from the R&D assessment front," Science and Public Policy, 22(1), 1995.    (42F3)

"Inter-firm cooperation with imperfectly appropriable research," International Journal of Industrial Organization, 1994, 12(3): 413-35.    (42F4)

"Cournot equilibrium with imperfectly appropriable R&D," Journal of Industrial Economics, 1994, 42(1): 79-92. (With R. David Simpson.)    (42F5)

"Emerging patterns of multinational enterprise operations in developed market economies: Evidence and policy," Review of Political Economy, 1990, 2(2): 188-220.    (42F6)

iv. Refereed Paper Series    (42F7)

“Partnerships and Networking in Science and Technology for Development”, Technology for Development Paper Series, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva: UNCTAD, 2002 (UNCTAD/ITE/TEB/11).    (42F8)

v. Book Chapters    (42F9)

“Introduction”, “Conclusion”, in Goran Marklund, Nicholas Vonortas and Charles Wessner (eds), The Innovation Imperative: National Innovation Strategies in the Global Economy, Edward Elgar, forthcoming 2008. (With Goran Marklund and Charles Wessner)    (42FA)

“European Research Framework Programmes in a Global Context: Targets, Impacts, Lessons for the Future”, in Goran Marklund, Nicholas Vonortas and Charles Wessner (eds), The Innovation Imperative: National Innovation Strategies in the Global Economy, Edward Elgar, forthcoming 2008.    (42FB)

“Introduction”, “Theoretical Foundations and Key Concepts”, “An Operational Framework for the Study of Knowledge Flows”, “Knowledge Flows in European Industry: An Overview of Evidence from Surveys and Case Studies”, “Towards a New Agenda for Enhancing Knowledge Flows in Europe”, in Yannis Caloghirou, Anastasia Constantellou, and Nicholas S. Vonortas (eds.) Knowledge Flows in European Industry: Mechanisms and Policy Implications, Routledge, 2006. (With Yannis Caloghirou and Anastasia Constantellou.)    (42FC)

“Overview of Innovation Policy Affecting Knowledge Flows in EU Member States”, in Yannis Caloghirou, Anastasia Constantellou, and Nicholas S. Vonortas (eds.) Knowledge Flows in European Industry: Mechanisms and Policy Implications, Routledge, forthcoming 2006. (With Anthony Arundel.)    (42FD)

“Economic Perspectives on Technological Change”, in Luke Georghiou, John Rigby and Hugh Cameron (eds.) Evaluating the Impact of Technology and Research: The Theory and Practice of Socio-Economic Assessment, Edward Elgar, forthcoming 2005.    (42FE)

“Collaborate to collude? Multimarket and multiproject contact in R&D”, chapter in Peter Grossman (ed.) How Cartels Endure and How They Fail: Studies of Industrial Collusion, Edward Elgar, 2004. (With Yongsuk Jang.)    (42FF)

“Business model innovation in the digital economy”, in Georgios I. Doukidis, Nikolaos Mylonopoulos and Nancy Pouloudi (eds.), Social and Economic Transformation in the Digital Era, IDEA Group Publishing, 2004. (With Chung-Shing Lee.)    (42FG)

“Real options for public sector R&D investments”, in Stephan Kuhlmann and Philip Shapira (eds.), Learning from Science and Technology Policy Evaluation: Experiences from the United States and Europe, Edward Elgar, 2004. (With Matthew Lackey.)    (42FH)

“US policy towards research joint ventures”, in Yannis Caloghirou, Stavros Ioannides and Nicholas S. Vonortas (eds.), Industrial Collaboration in Research and Development, Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2004.    (42FI)

“Towards the knowledge-based economy: United States and its APEC partners”, in Albert N. Link and Maryann Feldman (eds.) Technology Policy for the Knowledge-Based Economy, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. (With Adam Tolnay.)    (42FJ)

“Multimarket contact and inter-firm cooperation in R&D”, in D. C. Mueller and U. Cantner (eds.) Capitalism and Democracy in the 21st Century, Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag, 2001.    (42FK)

"Dynamic cooperation in R&D with research externalities," in J. Poyago-Theotoky (ed.) R&D Cooperation: Theory and Policy, Macmillan, 1997. (With Sumit Joshi.)    (42FL)

vi. Edited Paper Collections in Journals    (42FM)

“Evidence Never Lies: New Frontiers in Evaluation”, editor, Science and Public Policy, 34(10), 2007. (Co-editors, Klaus Zinoecker and Michael Stampfer)    (42FN)

“Evaluation of European Union Framework Programmes: The 2004 Five-Year Assessment”, editor, Science and Public Policy, 32(5), 2005. (Co-editor S. Hinze).    (42FO)

“Technology Alliances: Strategy, Evolution, Knowledge Management”, editor, International Journal of Technology Management, 2004, 27(8): 689-93. (Co-editor B. Bowonder)    (42FP)

“Strategic Research Partnerships: Economic, Managerial, and Policy Implications”, editor, Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 2003, 15(2): 155-57. (Co-editors John Hagedoorn and Albert N. Link.)    (42FQ)

“Technology Transfer and Learning Through Strategic Technical Alliances: International Experiences”, editor, The Journal of Technology Transfer, 2000, 25(1): 9-12. (Co-editor Rigas Arvanitis.)    (42FR)

vii. Invited Articles    (42FS)

"Risk Financing for Knowledge-Based Enterprises", Featured Story, Management Science Laboratory, Athens University of Economics and Business, July-August 2007. (    (42FT)

“Strategic innovation alliances and science and technology policy”, Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (UNESCO), 2003. (With Patrick Murphy)    (42FU)

“Information technology: Developing country firms enter the global network”, iMP, March, 2000. ( (With Rebecca Dodder)    (42FV)

“Intellectual property rights and knowledge dissemination in research joint ventures,” Commentary, Science Communication, 19(1), 1997.    (42FW)

viii. Conference Proceedings    (42FX)

“Trends and Perspectives in the Era of Globalization”, Conference Proceedings, “Greek Manufacturing: Towards the Knowledge Society”, Technical Chamber of Greece, 2006.    (42FY)

“Determinants of technology licensing”, in D. H. Nagao (ed.) Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings of the Sixty-fourth Annual Meeting, 2004, A1-A6. (With Young Jun Kim)    (42FZ)

“Technology Licensing”, in Patents, Innovation and Economic Performance: OECD Conference Proceedings, Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris: OECD, 2004.    (42G0)

“Technology Policy in the United States and the European Union”, in Science and Technology Policies for the 21st Century, Conference Proceedings, Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), United Nations, 1999.    (42G1)

"Effective use of technical resources: Electromechanical engineering," in Herbert I. Fusfeld (ed.) Effective Use of Global Technical Resources, Center for Science and Technology Policy, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1993.    (42G2)

"Inter-firm cooperation in imperfectly appropriable research," in S. Okamura, K. Murakami and I. Nonaka (eds.) Science and Technology Policy Research: What Should Be Done? What Can Be Done?, National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (STA - Japan), 1992.    (42G3)

"Economic interdependence among developed market economies and multinational enterprises," in Herbert I. Fusfeld, ed., Changing Global Patterns of Industrial Research and Development, Center for Science and Technology Policy, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1989.    (42G4)

"The role of small and medium size enterprises in collective activities," in Herbert I. Fusfeld and Richard R. Nelson, eds., Cooperation and International Competitiveness, Center for Science and Technology Policy, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1988. (With Sigvard Tomner).    (42G5)

ix. Reports    (42G6)

Analysing and Evaluating the Impact on Innovation of Publicly Funded Research Programmes: Lot 1 – Evaluation of the Impact on Innovation of Projects of Community 5th and 6th Framework Programmes”, European Commission, DG Enterprise, forthcoming 2008. (With Robbert Fisher and Wolfgang Polt.)    (42G7)

Research on the Factors of Success of Public Policies Regarding Science, Technology and Innovation, Special Secretariat for Competitiveness, Greek Ministry of Development, May 2007.    (42G8)

Biodefense and Homeland Security Technology Development: Analysis of U.S. Policies and Process of Selection, International Access Corporation for the Ministry of Economics, Trade and Industry, Japan, March 2007.    (42G9)

Networks of Innovation in Information Society: Development and Deployment in Europe, Final Report, European Commission, DG Information Society and Media, 2007. (With Franco Malerba, Nicoletta Corrocher, Lorenzo Cassi, and Caroline Wagner.)    (42GA)

IST Evaluation and Monitoring, Final Report, European Commission, DG Information Society and Media, forthcoming 2007. (With Wolfgang Polt)    (42GB)

Innovation Models for Aeronautics Technologies, National Research Council of the National Academies, Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2006 (Panel Report).    (42GC)

Evaluation of Progress Towards a European Research Area for Information Society Technologies, Final Report, European Commission, DG Information Society and Media, January 2006. (With Franco Malerba, Stefano Breschi, and Lorenzo Cassi)    (42GD)

Developing a Methodological Framework for High Quality Assessment of the IST-RTD Effects (Results and Impacts) at the “Strategic Objective” Level, Final Report, European Commission, DG Information Society and Media, Contract 29000, November 2005. (Group report led by Technopolis)    (42GE)

Five-Year Assessment of the Community Research Framework Programme 1999-2003, Final Report of the High-Level Panel to Evaluate the European Union’s Framework Programme for RTD, European Commission, DG Research, February 2005. (Panel member and Rapporteur)    (42GF)

“Assessment of the Impact of Actions Completed under the 5th Community Research Framework Programme: Survey for the Five-Year Assessment of Community Research Activities 1999-2003”, European Commission, DG Research, 2004. (With Atlantis Research, Joanneum Research, Ken Guy, and Wolfgang Polt)    (42GG)

The Emergence of New Industrial Activities: Fusing Services and Mnufacture, Final Report of the TENIA Project, European Commission, DG Research, July 2004. (With Yannis Caloghirou and Stavros Ioannides)    (42GH)

Guidelines for the Management of Intellectual Property in Publicly-Funded Research Organizations, co-author, Expert Group (ETAN) Report, European Commission, DG Research, 2003.    (42GI)

Technology Licensing, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris: OECD, October 2003.    (42GJ)

Information Infrastructure for Healthcare: Case Studies from a Focused Program, Advanced Technology Program, National Institute for Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg: NIST, June 2003. (With Richard Spivack.)    (42GK)

Paradigm Shifts in Science, Technology and Innovation Policy of Leading and Catching-up Countries: The case of the United States and Korea, Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI), Seoul, Korea, 2003. (With Yongsuk Jang)    (42GL)

Performance Measurement for Government R&D Programs: In Search of Best Practices, Korea Institute for Science and Technology Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP), Seoul, Korea, December 2002. (With Yongsuk Jang)    (42GM)

Trends in Life Sciences – U.S. Market, Report to the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), International Access Corporation, with the collaboration of the Center for International Science and Technology Policy, Washington, D.C. October 2002.    (42GN)

The U.S. Biotechnology Industry, Report to the Japan Industrial Policy Research Institute (JIPRI), International Access Corporation, with the collaboration of the Center for International Science and Technology Policy, Washington D.C., May 2002.    (42GO)

Role and Strategic Use of Intellectual Property Rights in International Research Collaborations, co-author, Expert Group (ETAN) Report, European Commission, DG Research, EUR 20230, April 2002.    (42GP)

Assessing the Socio-economic Impacts of the Framework Programme, chapter author, Report coordinated by the Policy Research in Engineering, Science and Technology (PREST) Unit, the University of Manchester, for the European Commission, DG Research, March 2002.    (42GQ)

Methodology for the Assessment of Performance of Selected Existing Industries, Sectoral Issues and Policy Division, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, United Nations, June 2001.    (42GR)

Innovation-Related Knowledge Flows in European Industry: Extent, Mechanisms, Implications, Final Report of the KNOW Project, Targeted Socio-Economic Research Programme (TSER), European Commission, DG Research, August 2001. (With Yannis Caloghirou and Natasha Constantelou.)    (42GS)

European Presence in US-Based Research Joint Ventures, European Commission, DG Research, Improving Human Research Potential and the Socio-Economic Research Base, July 2001.    (42GT)

Priority Research Areas and Operational Systems of Major Public Research Institutes in the United States, Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI), Seoul, Republic of Korea, July 2001. (With Yongsuk Jang.)    (42GU)

Strategic Research Partnerships: Results of a Workshop, Science Resource Studies Division, US National Science Foundation, October 2000. (With John Hagedoorn and Albert Link.)    (42GV)

Technology and Innovation Policy Initiatives in the Americas, Sectoral Issues Policy Division (SIPD), Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), United Nations, Beirut, August 2000.    (42GW)

Science and Technology Policy Towards Research Joint Ventures, Final Report of the STEP-TO-RJVs Project SOE1-CT97-1075, Targeted Socio-Economic Research Programme (TSER), European Commission, DG Research, March 2000. (With Yannis Caloghirou.)    (42GX)

Participation of European Corporations in US-Based Research Joint Ventures, European Commission, June 1999. (With Albert Link.)    (42GY)

Business Diversification Through Research Joint Ventures: Advanced Technology Program, National Institute of Standards and Technology, March 1999.    (42GZ)

A Survey of High-Technology Small Firms, U.S. Small Business Administration, Fall 1999. (With Joseph Cordes and Henry Hertzfeld.)    (42H0)

Indicators for Science, Technology and Innovation in Europe and in Greece: Organization of Statistical Information, National Statistical Agency of Greece, Fall 1998. (In Greek.)    (42H1)

Inter-Firm Strategic Alliances in Information Technology: The Case of Developing Countries, Private Sector Development Department, The World Bank, September 1995. (With Stratos P. Safioleas.)    (42H2)

The Implementation of Process Innovation in Small Firms: Case Studies on CNC Machine Tools, Dilthey Fellowship Committee, The George Washington University, November 1994. (With Sotiris Papantonopoulos and Lan Xue.)    (42H3)

Factors Affecting Demand for NIST Calibration Services, National Institute of Standards and Technology, September 1994. (With Joseph J. Cordes.)    (42H4)

The Changing Economic Context: Strategic Alliances Among Multinationals, Center for Science and Technology Policy, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1989.    (42H5)

Export Controls and the International Technical System: The U.S. Semiconductor Industry, Center for Science and Technology Policy, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1988. (With Carmela S. Haklisch.)    (42H6)

Export Controls and the International Technical System: The U.S, Machine Tool Industry, Center for Science and Technology Policy, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1987. (With Carmela S. Haklisch.)    (42H7)

x. Book Reviews    (42H8)

“Public Accountability: Evaluating Technology-Based Institutions” by Albert N. Link and John Scott (Kluwer Academic Publishers), The Journal of Technology Transfer, 2000.    (42H9)


“Strategic Networks for Technology Options”, Department of Economics, George Washington University. (With Isabelle Bajeux-Besnainou and Sumit Joshi)    (42HB)


“Partnerships for Growth”, Center for International Science and Technology Policy, George Washington University, December 2005.    (42HD)

“Innovation Networks in Industry I”, Center for International Science and Technology Policy, George Washington University, January 2005.    (42HE)

“Strategic alliance formation in the business cycle”, Center for International Science and Technology Policy, George Washington University, 2004. (With John Hagedoorn)    (42HF)

“Assessing industrial performance”, Center for International Science and Technology Policy, George Washington University, May 2002. (With Robin Auger)    (42HG)

"Asymptotic behavior of dynamic strategic models of R&D: The discounted case," Department of Economics, The George Washington University, February 2000. (With Sumit Joshi.)    (42HH)

"Characterization of Markov perfect equilibria in a dynamic model of R&D," Department of Economics, The George Washington University, January 1997. (With Sumit Joshi).    (42HI)

"Strategic alliances in information technology and developing country firms," Occasional Paper #29, Private Sector Development Department, The World Bank, February 1997. (With Stratos P. Safioleas.)    (42HJ)

"Structural change and competitiveness: Manufacturing in Spain, Portugal and Greece," Center for International Science and Technology Policy, The George Washington University, March 1996. (With Yannis Caloghirou, Angeliki Mourtzikou and Lefteris Papayannakis.)    (42HK)

"Disconnected: Economics and the process of technological advance," Center for International Science and Technology Policy, The George Washington University, October 1996.    (42HL)

"Dynamic competition and cooperation with research externalities," Department of Economics, The George Washington University, 1993. (With Sumit Joshi.)    (42HM)

"Small and medium size enterprises in the context of cooperative industrial research and international competitiveness," GEA working paper #87-02, Department of Economics, New York University, 1987.    (42HN)

"Jumping over national borders: a partial equilibrium model of the multinational corporations decision to invest," mimeo, Department of Economics, New York University, 1986.    (42HO)

"Technological aspects of transnational corporations' involvement in South-South trade," paper prepared for the South-South Trade Project, United Nations, 1984.    (42HP)


i. Books    (42HR)

Networks in Science, Technology and Innovation: A Multidimensional Exploration, editor, Edward Elgar. (Co-editor, Franco Malerba)    (42HS)

ii. Papers    (42HT)

	“Licensing games” (With Deepak Somaya and YoungJun Kim)    (42HU)
 “Innovative Networks in Industry: I”.    (42HV)

“Innovation Networks in Industry II” (With Franco Malerba)    (42HW)

“Science, Technology and Innovation Policies in the United States” (With Guy Ben-Ari)    (42HX)

“Innovation Policy Initiatives from Around the World: A collection of Good Practices” (With Kristi Hakkaja)    (42HY)

iii. Reports    (42HZ)

“Real Options for Research Investment Portfolio Analysis at the U.S. Department of Energy”, Office of Science, US Department of Energy.    (42I0)

“Analysing and Evaluating the Impact on Innovation of Publicly Funded Research Programmes: Lot 2 – Benchmarking Strategies and Methodologies of National, European and International R&D Programmes to Assess and Increase their Impact on Innovation”, European Commission, DG Enterprise.    (42I1)

(Selected) RESEARCH GRANTS, CONTRACTS (2000-2006)    (42I2)

“Research and Technology Partnerships: Quantifying Strategic Relationships”, Science of Science and Innovation Policy Program, U.S. National Science Foundation, 2007-2009. [Principal Investigator]    (42I3)

“Analysing and Evaluating the Impact on Innovation of Publicly Funded Research Programmes: Lot 1 – Evaluation of the Impact on Innovation of Projects of Community 5th and 6th Framework Programmes”, European Commission, DG Enterprise, 2006-2007. [Co-Principal Investigator]    (42I4)

“Analysing and Evaluating the Impact on Innovation of Publicly Funded Research Programmes: Lot 2 – Benchmarking Strategies and Methodologies of National, European and International R&D Programmes to Assess and Increase their Impact on Innovation”, European Commission, DG Enterprise, 2006-2007. [Co-Principal Investigator]    (42I5)

“Research on the Factors of Success of Public policies Regarding Science, Technology and Innovation”, Greek Ministry of Development, 2006. [Principal Investigator]    (42I6)

“IST Evaluation and Monitoring”, European Commission, DG Information Society, 2006. [Co-Principal Investigator]    (42I7)

“Networks of Innovation in Information Society: Development and Deployment in Europe”, European Commission, DG Information Society, 2006. [Co-Principal Investigator]    (42I8)

“Real Options for Research Investment Portfolio Analysis at the U.S. Department of Energy”, DOE Office of Science, 2004-2006. [Principal Investigator]    (42I9)

“Knowledge-Based Entrepreneurship: Innovation, Networks, and Systems” (KEINS), European Commission, DG Research, 2004-2006. [Co-Principal Investigator]    (42IA)

“Assessment of the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program”, National Research Council, National Academies of Science, 2002-2005. Study mandated by US Congress, HR 5667 Section 108. [Investigator]    (42IB)

“Evaluation of Progress towards a European Research Area in Information Society Technologies”, European Commission, DG Information Society, 2005. [Co-Principal Investigator]    (42IC)

“IST-RTD Monitoring and Evaluation: Results and Impact Indicators”, European Commission, DG Information Society, 2004-2005. [Co-Principal Investigator]    (42ID)

“Five-Year Assessment of the Community Research Framework Programme 1999-2003”, member of and rapporteur for the High-Level Panel to Evaluate the European Union’s Framework Programme for RTD, European Commission, DG Research, 2005. [Panel Member and Rapporteur]    (42IE)

“Innovation Networks”, GW Research Enhancement Fund Award, 2002-2005. [Co-Principal Investigator]    (42IF)

“Assessment of the Impact of Actions Completed under the 5th Community Research Framework Programme: Survey for the Five-Year Assessment of Community Research Activities 1999-2003”, European Commission, DG Research, 2004. [Co-Principal Investigator]    (42IG)

“Patent Licensing Contracts in the OECD”, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 2002-2003. [Principal Investigator]    (42IH)

“Network Indicators and Globalization: Public Policy Implications”, GW Center for the Study of Globalization, 2002-2003. [Co-Principal Investigator]    (42II)

“Networks and Globalization”, GW Center for the Study of Globalization, 2001-2002. [Co-Principal Investigator]    (42IJ)

“Network Indicators”, Science Resources Studies, U.S. National Science Foundation, 2001-2003. [Co-Principal Investigator.]    (42IK)

“Network Indicators: Science, Technology and Innovation”, European Commission, DG Research, Improving the Human Research Potential and the Socio-Economic Research Base, Common Basis of Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators Programme, 2001-2004. [Co-Principal Investigator.]    (42IL)

“Performance Measurement for Government R&D Programs: in Search of Best Practice”, Korea Institute for Science and Technology Policy (KISTEP), Republic of Korea, 2002. [Principal Investigator].    (42IM)

“Paradigm Shifts in Science, Technology and Innovation Policy of Leading and Catching-up Countries: The case of the United States and Korea”, Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI), Republic of Korea, 2001-2002. [Principal Investigator]    (42IN)

“The Emergence of New Industrial Activities: Fusing Services and Manufacture (TENIA)”, Commission of the European Union, DG Research, 2001-2003. [Co-Principal Investigator]    (42IO)

“The Assessment of the Socio-economic Impact of the Framework Program (ASIF)”, Commission of the European Union, DG Research, 2001-2002. [Co-Principal Investigator]    (42IP)

“European Presence in US-Based Research Joint Ventures”, European Commission, DG Research, Improving Human Research Potential and the Socio-Economic Research Base, 2001.    (42IQ)

“Evaluation of United States government programs under GPRA”, Korea Institute for Science and Technology Policy (KISTEP), Republic of Korea, 2001. [Co-Principal Investigator]    (42IR)

	“Strategic Partnerships for Developing Countries”, Division on Investment, Technology and Enterprise Development (DITE), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 2001. [Principal Investigator]    (42IS)

“Methodology for the Assessment of Performance of Selected Existing Industries”, Sectoral Issues and Policy Division, Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), United Nations, 2001. [Principal Investigator]    (42IT)

	“Priority Research Areas and Operational Systems of Major Public Research Institutes in the United States”, Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI), Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2001. [Principal Investigator]    (42IU)
	“Succeeding in Collaborative R&D: Three Case Studies of ATP-sponsored Research Joint Ventures”, Advanced Technology Program, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2000-2001. [Co-Principal Investigator]    (42IV)

“Economic Analysis of Intellectual Property Protection Mechanisms for Research Partnerships,” Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences, U.S. National Science Foundation, 1999-2001. [Co-Principal Investigator.]    (42IW)

“Innovation-Related Knowledge Flows in European Industry: Mechanisms and Policy (KNOW)”, Targeted Socio-Economic Research Programme (TSER), Commission of the European Union, DG Research, 1999-2001. [Co-Principal Investigator]    (42IX)

"Science and Technology Policies Towards Research Joint Ventures (STEP-TO-RJVs", Targeted Socio-Economic Research Programme (TSER), Commission of the European Union, DG Research, 1998-2000. [Co-Principal Investigator]    (42IY)


i. Current Teaching Assignments, GW    (42J0)

A. Department of Economics    (42J1)

“Economics of Technological Change”, graduate course    (42J2)

B. Science, Technology and Public Policy Program    (42J3)

“Technology Creation and Diffusion”, graduate course    (42J4)

ii. Courses Offered Regularly in Previous Years, GW    (42J5)

A. Department of Economics    (42J6)

“Managerial Economics”, MBA course    (42J7)

“Intermediate Microeconomics”, undergraduate course    (42J8)

B. Science, Technology and Public Policy Program    (42J9)

“Technology Collaboration: Incentives and Policy for Strategic Alliances”, graduate course    (42JA)

 “Technology and International Economic Competitiveness”, graduate course    (42JB)

“Science, Technology, and International Affairs”, graduate course, team-taught with Professor Robert Rycroft    (42JC)

“Technology and Globalization”, graduate seminar (capstone), team-taught with Professor Robert Rycroft.    (42JD)

iii. Short Courses, non-GW    (42JE)

“Incentives and Policy for Strategic Technical Partnerships”, 6-lecture series, MIEM Program, SDA, Luigi Bocconi University, Milan, Italy. (Delivered annually since 1999).    (42JF)

“Strategic Business Partnerships”, 6-lecture series, Professional Masters Program in Decision Sciences, Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens, Greece. (Delivered annually since 2001).    (42JG)


i. Executive Training Seminars    (42JI)

Developed a professional training course on the R&D program evaluation. The course (8 days long) has been delivered to foreign groups at the George Washington University and at other locations (including abroad).    (42JJ)

Developed an executive training seminar on crafting strategic partnerships. Versions of the seminar (1-3 days long) have been delivered during the past few years to both industry and government audiences in the US and abroad. Longer, more traditional educational versions are being delivered to business schools such as Luigi Bocconi University and the Athens University of Economics and Business (see above).    (42JK)

Developed a professional training seminar on the knowledge-based economy. The seminar (1 day long) has been delivered during the past few years repeatedly to US government audiences.    (42JL)

ii. Seminar Series    (42JM)

Organizer of the Technology and Innovation Seminar Series at GW. Seminars are held once a month at the Center for International Science and Technology Policy. Average attendance: 30 strategy and policy scholars, advisers, and professionals from the greater Washington metropolitan area.    (42JN)

Co-organizer of the joint S&T Research Seminar Series. Seminars are organized collaboratively by GW’s Center for International Science and Technology Policy, GMU’s School of Public Policy, and Georgetown’s Public Policy program. Seminars are held once a month at the George Washington University and the George Mason University. Average attendance: 15 strategy and policy scholars and graduate students.    (42JO)

iii. R&D Program Evaluation    (42JP)

Co-organizer of the Washington Research Evaluation Network (see earlier reference)    (42JQ)

Have been involved in various initiatives relating to R&D program evaluation in the United States, Europe, Japan and South Korea for several years. Such initiatives include evaluation studies, relevant conference presentations, and advisory work. Examples of collaborating organizations include: United States: National Institute of Standards and Technology, Advanced Technology Program, Department of Energy (Office of Science), NASA, National Research Council. Europe: European Commission (DG Research, DG Information Society), National Statistical Agency of Greece. Japan: METI, Mitsubishi Research Institute. South Korea: Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP), Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI).    (42JR)

iv. Editorial Board    (42JS)

Journal INNOVATIONS    (42JT)

v. Advisory Board    (42JU)


vi. Referee for:    (42JW)

Strategic Management Journal International Journal of Industrial Organization    (42JX)

		Journal of Industrial Economics
		Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization    (42JY)

Review of Industrial Organization    (42JZ)

		R&D Management
		Zeitschrift Fur Nationaloekonomie
		World Development
		Management Science
		Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
		Journal of Policy Reform
		Journal of Small Business Economics
		Science and Public Policy    (42K0)

vii. Reviewer and Referee for:    (42K1)

		National Science Foundation.
		Oxford University Press.
		Cambridge University Press.
		McGraw-Hill, Inc.
		Scott, Foresman & Co.
		South-Western College Publishing
		General Administration of Research and Development (GGET, Greece).    (42K2)

vii. Affiliations – Societies    (42K3)

		American Economic Association (AEA).
		European Economic Association (EEA).
		International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society.
		Industrial Organization Society.
		European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE).    (42K4)


Fellowship, New York University, 1986-1988. Scholarship, New York University, 1984-1986. Developmental Fellowship, New York University, 1983-1984. M.A. degree awarded with distinction, Leicester University (U.K.), 1983.    (42K6)


Media communications (Wall Street Journal, U.S. News, Greek Voice of America, ERT 1 (Greek public radio), Kerdos (Gain, a Greek financial weekly), etc. Faculty mentor for the Hellenic Club KOSMOS at the George Washington University, 1993 - present. Secretary and Member of the Board, The Hellenic Society PROMETHEAS, Washington, D.C., 1992 - 1996. President, Graduate Economics Student Association, New York University, 1984 - 1986.    (42K8)


Fluent in Greek and English. Limited knowledge of French and Spanish.    (42KA)


Born May 6, 1958. Married, two children.    (42KC)


Greek Navy, 1989 – 1990.    (42KE)


Greece & United States of America.    (42KG)

(Selected) PRESENTATIONS Jan. 2002 – February 2008    (42KH)

“KEINS Policy Recommendations”, presentation in “Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship in Europe”, Final Workshop of the FP6 KEINS Project, European Commission, DG Research, Brussels, Belgium, February 11, 2008.    (42KI)

“Innovation in the Global Economy”, International Forum on Cooperative Innovation in Renewable Energy and Biotechnology, CIATEJ, CONACYT, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, December 6, 2007.    (42KJ)

“R&D Globalization”, Forum on S&T Resource Share and Collaboration Mechanism among APEC Economies, Siuzhou, China, November 21, 2007.    (42KK)

“Innovation Management and Innovation Policy: Lessons from the InnoImpact Study”, International Symposium on Innovation Policy and Evaluation, Cabinet Office/MEXT/METI, Tokyo, Japan, November 20, 2007.    (42KL)

“R&D Program Evaluation: Research Network Indicators”, Center for Science & Technology Policy and Information Research (STPI), National Applied Research Laboratories (NARL), Taipei, Taiwan, November 14, 2007.    (42KM)

“Environment and Objective Conditions for R&D Program Evaluation”, public speech organized by the Center for Science & Technology Policy and Information Research (STPI) of the National Applied Research Laboratories (NARL), Taipei, Taiwan, November 13, 2007.    (42KN)

“Networks of Innovation in Information Technology: Technology Development and Deployment in Europe”, Annual Meetings of the American Evaluation Association, Baltimore, Maryland, November 8, 2007.    (42KO)

“Impact of Public Investment on Innovation”, Final Panel, International Conference “Turning Knowledge Into Practice: Getting More Out of Public Investment in Innovation”, ProInno Europe, European Commission, DG Enterprise, Berlin, Germany, October 24, 2007.    (42KP)

“How Much Innovation Can you Get Out of R&D Programmes?”, International Conference “Turning Knowledge Into Practice: Getting More Out of Public Investment in Innovation”, ProInno Europe, European Commission, DG Enterprise, Berlin, Germany, October 23, 2007.    (42KQ)

“LOT1: Main Conclusions and Policy Implications”, International Conference “Turning Knowledge Into Practice: Getting More Out of Public Investment in Innovation”, ProInno Europe, European Commission, DG Enterprise, Berlin, Germany, October 23, 2007.    (42KR)

“Should Innovation Policy Be Innovative?”, Atlanta Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, October 19, 2007.    (42KS)

“Strategic Networks for Technology Options”, international conference “Knowledge for Growth: Role and Dynamics of Corporate R&D”, IPTS, European Commission, Seville, Spain, October 9,2007.    (42KT)

“Real Options Framework to Assess Public R&D Investment”, GMU-GWU-Georgetown S&T Seminar, George Mason University, October 4, 2007.    (42KU)

“Innovation”, Fifth Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Committee on Science and Technology, Organization of American States, Washington, D.C., September 20, 2007.    (42KV)

“Strategic Business Partnerships”, series of five lectures, Professional MBA Program, Decision Sciences, Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens, Greece, May-June 2007.    (42KW)

“Systems of Cooperative Innovation”, lead presentation at the conference “Innovacion Cooperativa”, sponsored by La Secretaria de Fomento Economico, La Secretaria de Educacion y Cultura, and the Consejo Estatal de Ciencia y Tecnologia, Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico, May 14, 2007.    (42KX)

“Strategic Networks for Technology Options”, Industrial Organization Seminar, Department of Economics, the George Washington University, May 1, 2007.    (42KY)

“Exclusive Licensing and Complementary Assets”, International Industrial Organization Conference, Savannah, Georgia, April 15, 2007.    (42KZ)

“Frontiers of Evaluation: Context”, “Real Options”, “Social Networks Methodology”, MEXT, Tokyo, Japan, October 26, 2006.    (42L0)

“Using Social Networks Methodology to Evaluate R&D Programs”, presentation at the “Workshop on R&D Evaluation”, organized by the Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI) for the Committee on Science and Technology Policy (CSTP) of the OECD, Seoul, Republic of Korea, October 25, 2006.    (42L1)

“Using Social Networks Methodology in European ICT Program Evaluation”, presentation at the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF), Daejon, Republic of Korea, October 24, 2006.    (42L2)

“The US Networking and Information Technology R&D Program and Its Evaluation”, presentation at the Institute of Information Technology Assessment (IITA), Ministry of Information and Communication, Daejon, Republic of Korea, October 24, 2006.    (42L3)

“Structural Features of the S&T Policy System in the United States”, presentation at the 2006 STEPI International Conference “S&T Policy Coordination System: Experiences and Prospects”, organized by the Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI), Seoul, Republic of Korea, October 23, 2006.    (42L4)

“New Approaches to Evaluate Public R&D Programs: Technology Options and Network Analysis”, presentation, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Evaluation and Policy (ITEP), Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy (MOCIE), Seoul, Republic of Korea, October 23, 2006.    (42L5)

“A Plan for Monitoring and Evaluation of ICTs in Europe”, presentation at workshop organized by DG Information Society and Media, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium, October 5, 2006.    (42L6)

“The Role of R&D Networks in the Deployment of ICTs in Europe”, presentation at the Annual Meetings of the Technology Transfer Society, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, September 27, 2006.    (42L7)

“Using Social Networks Methodology to Evaluate R&D Programs”, expert presentation at the “International Seminar on R&D Program Evaluation”, organized by the Science and Technology Policy Information Research Center (STPI), August 31, Taipei, Taiwan.    (42L8)

“Public Research and Development Program Evaluation”, 5-day intensive training program, Science and Technology Policy Information Research Center (STPI), NARL, Taipei, Taiwan, August 28-September 1, 2006.    (42L9)

“Trends and Perspectives in the Era of Globalization”, presentation at the conference “Greek Manufacturing: Towards the Knowledge Society”, organized by the Technical Chamber of Greece, Athens, July 3, 2006.    (42LA)

Networks of Innovation in Information Society: Development and Deployment in Europe”, Workshop organized by DG Information Society and Media, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium, May 2, 2006.    (42LB)

“EU Framework Programmes: Targets, Impacts, Lessons for the Future”, presentation at the international conference “The Innovation Imperative: Globalization Challenges for National Innovation Systems”, VINNOVA, Stockholm, Sweden, April 27, 2006.    (42LC)

“Real Options Framework to Assess Public R&D Investments”, Platform-Fteval Conference “New Frontiers in Evaluation”, Vienna, Austria, April 14, 2006.    (42LD)

“Strategic Networks for Technology Options”, paper presentation at the Annual International Industrial Organization Conference, Boston, April 8, 2006.    (42LE)

“Incentives and Policy for Strategic Technical Partnerships”, series of six lectures, MBA Program, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, March, 2006.    (42LF)

“Smart Instruments for a Smarter Europe: The Competitiveness and Innovation Programme in Perspective”, European Parliament, EPP-ED Hearing on the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme 2007-2013, Brussels, December 8, 2005.    (42LG)

“Innovation Networks and Knowledge Hubs in IST-RTD”, Workshop “Evaluation of Progress Towards an ERA for IST”, European Commission, DG Information Society and Media, Brussels, December 2, 2005.    (42LH)

“Using Social Networks Methodology to Evaluate Research and Development Programs”, Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI), Seoul, Republic of Korea, November 10, 2005.    (42LI)

“Government Role and Strategy for Emerging Technology: A US Perspective”, Third International Symposium on National R&D Strategy, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology Evaluation and Planning (ITEP), Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, Seoul, Republic of Korea, November 9, 2005.    (42LJ)

“Government Role and Strategy for Emerging Technology: A US Perspective”, Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF), Daejeon, Republic of Korea, November 8, 2005.    (42LK)

“Using Social Networks Methodology to Evaluate Research and Development Programs”, Annual Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM), Washington D.C., November 4, 2005.    (42LL)

“Networks for Informing S&T Policy Design”, panel chair, Annual Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM), Washington D.C., November 3, 2005.    (42LM)

“Using Social Networks Methodology to Evaluate Research and Development Programs”, Annual meetings of the American Evaluation Association (AEA) in collaboration with the Canadian Evaluation Society (CES), Toronto, Canada, October 27, 2005.    (42LN)

“KISTEP-WREN Workshop on R&D Evaluation: A Reflection” and “Innovation Network Indicators for R&D Program Appraisal”, presented at “R&D Evaluation Workshop in Japan”, METI and MEXT, June 2-3, 2005, Tokyo, Japan.    (42LO)

“Real Options Models”, presented at “National Models for Public R&D Evaluation: In Search of Best Practices and Collaborative Opportunities”, KISTEP, May 30-31. 2005, Seoul, Republic of Korea.    (42LP)

“Incentives and Policy for Strategic Technical Partnerships”, series of six lectures, MBA Program, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, April 11-13, 2005.    (42LQ)

“Economics of Technological Change and Innovation: Science and Technology Policy”, series of four lectures, CLEMIT graduate course, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, April 14-15, 2005.    (42LR)

“Risk Financing for Knowledge-Based Enterprises: Mechanisms and Policy Options”, Paper presented at the international workshop of the project “Knowledge-Based Entrepreneurship: Innovation, Networks, and Systems” (KEINS), European Commission, DG Research, Milano, Italy, February 3, 2005.    (42LS)

“Inception Report” for the project “Evaluation of Progress towards a European Research Area in Information Society Technologies”, European Commission, DG Information Society, Brussels, Belgium, February 11, 2005.    (42LT)

“Real Options Framework to Assess Research Investments at the US Department of Energy”, Department of Energy, Washington DC, December 6, 2004.    (42LU)

Panel discussant, Annual meetings of the American Evaluation Association, Atlanta, Georgia, November 8, 2004.    (42LV)

“The Knowledge-Based Economy: Key Characteristics and Implications", 1-day seminar presentation, National Security Agency, Maryland, October 15, 2004.    (42LW)

“Networks in Evaluating Public Investments in Science and Technology”, presented at the Workshop on “Performance Assessment of Public Research, Technology and Development (RTD) Programmes”, organized by the European Commission in cooperation with the Washington Research Evaluation Network, Brussels, June 17-18, 2004.    (42LX)

“Networks in Evaluating Public Investments in Science and Technology”, presented at the Workshop “Network Analysis: Exploring Pathways among Three Hubs”, organized by RAND Europe, Brussels, June 16, 2004.    (42LY)

“Strategic Business Partnerships”, series of nine lectures, Professional MBA Program, Decision Sciences, Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens, Greece, June 2004.    (42LZ)

“Partner Choice”, presented at the 10th biennial conference of the International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society, Luigi Bocconi University, Milano, Italy, June 10, 2004.    (42M0)

“Incentives and Policy for Strategic Technical Partnerships”, series of six lectures, MBA Program, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, May, 2004.    (42M1)

“M-commerce”, presentation of sectoral report, final meeting (open to the public) for the project “The Emerge of New Industrial Activities: Fusing Services and Manufacturing” (TENIA), European Commission, DG Research, Brussels, February 2, 2004.    (42M2)

“Innovation Networks”, invited series of four lectures on indicators, empirical research, industry-university relationships, and policy implications, Joanneum Research, Vienna, Austria, December 15-16, 2003.    (42M3)

“Planning, Conducting, and Using the Results of Evaluation Studies as PART Evidence/Data and for Program Management—Focus on Basic Research Programs”, panel chair; and “Coming Challenges for R&D Programs and for WREN”, plenary panel participant, Conference of the Washington Research Evaluation Network, The George Washington University campus, December 4-5, 2003.    (42M4)

“U.S. Science, Technology and Innovation Policy: Continuity and Change”, STEPI Forum, Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI), Seoul, Korea, October 24, 2003.    (42M5)

“Assessing Public R&D Programs in the United States: Priority Setting, Monitoring, Impact Appraisal”, International Symposium on “National R&D and Its Evaluation toward Global Innovation”, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology Evaluation and Planning (ITEP), Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, Seoul, Korea, October 22, 2003.    (42M6)

“Technology Licensing”, paper presented at the OECD Conference on “IPR, Innovation and Economic Performance”, OECD Headquarters, Paris, France, August 28-29, 1003.    (42M7)

“Strategic Business Partnerships”, series of nine lectures, Professional MBA Program, Decision Sciences, Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens, Greece, June 2003.    (42M8)

Chair, Session on R&D Network Evaluation, and panelist, conference “Evaluation of Government-Funded Activities”, organized by Plattform fteval, Joanneaum Research, and Zentrum fur Europaische Wirtschaftsforschung GmbH (ZEW), Vienna, Austria, May 15-16, 2003.    (42M9)

“Incentives and Policy for Strategic Technical Partnerships”, series of six lectures, MBA Program, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, May 12-14, 2003.    (42MA)

“Information Technology, Competitiveness, and Economic Growth”, 12th Conference of Economic Policy Studies “Competitiveness, New Technologies and Sources of Development”, Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens, Greece, May 9, 2003.    (42MB)

“R&D Collaboration”, workshop on “Research and Development Data Needs”, National Academy of Sciences, Board on Science, Technology and Economic Policy, Washington, D.C., April 7, 2003.    (42MC)

“Technology Licensing Under Competitive Pressure”, paper presented at the International Industrial Organization Conference, Industrial Organization Society, Northeastern University, Boston, April 4, 2003.    (42MD)

“Building Competitive Firms: Policy Examples from the Americas”, presentation at the workshop “Innovation: Determining Factors and the Future of the Greek Economy”, Athens University of Economics and Business, March 27, 2003.    (42ME)

 “The Knowledge-Based Economy: Key Characteristics and Implications”, seminar organized by the Greek Ministry of Economics and Finance, Secretariat for the Information Society, Athens, Greece, January 24, 2003.    (42MF)

“Collaborate to collude? Multimarket and multiproduct contact in R&D”, Athens University of Economics and Business, Athens, Greece, January 23, 2003.    (42MG)

“Innovation Network Indicators”, RAND Corporation, Pentagon City, VA, December 4, 2002.    (42MH)

“Collaborate to collude? Multimarket and multiproduct contact in R&D”, Annual Meetings of the Southern Economic Association, New Orleans, November 25, 2002.    (42MI)

“Advanced Technology Program Information Infrastructure for Healthcare: Case Studies from a Focused Program”, Annual Meetings of the American Evaluation Association, Crystal City, Virginia, November 9, 2002.    (42MJ)

 “The Knowledge-Based Economy: Key Characteristics and Implications", 1-day seminar presentation, Central Intelligence Agency, Arlington, Virginia, November 5, 2002.    (42MK)

“Alliance cycles”, presentation at the 29th Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics, Madrid, Spain, September 6, 2002.    (42ML)

“The Knowledge-Based Economy: Key Characteristics and Implications", 1-day seminar presentation, National Security Agency, Maryland, June 13, 2002.    (42MM)

“Alliance cycles”, presentation at the Summer 2002 Conference of the Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics (DRUID), Copenhagen, Denmark, June 7, 2002.    (42MN)

“The Appraisal of Socio-Economic Impact of R&D Programs”, Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI), Seoul, Republic of Korea, May 29, 2002.    (42MO)

“The Appraisal of Socio-Economic Impact of R&D Programs”, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP), Seoul, Republic of Korea, May 29, 2002.    (42MP)

“Alliance cycles”, seminar, Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI), Seoul, Republic of Korea, May 28, 2002.    (42MQ)

“Incentives and Policy for Strategic Technical Partnerships”, series of six lectures, MBA Program, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, May 20-23, 2002.    (42MR)

“Research partnership performance”, presented at 1-day workshop on strategic alliances, School of Business, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, April 27, 2002.    (42MS)

 “The Knowledge-Based Economy: Key Characteristics and Implications", 1-day seminar presentation, Central Intelligence Agency, Arlington, Virginia, April 23, 2002.    (42MT)

“Alliance Cycles”, presented at the 9th biennial conference of the International Joseph A. Schumpeter Society, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, March 29, 2002.    (42MU)

“Scientific and Technological Development in the Americas”, guest-speaker presentation, Inter-American Defence College, Washington, D.C., January 14, 2002.    (42MV)