NICS CoP Meeting - April 12, 2005 (2PQK)
NICS Cop Workgroup Discussion (2PPG)
Functions (2PPM)
- Update & Response (2PPN)
- Education (2PPO)
- Peer-to-Peer...networking (2PQ9)
- NICS CoP is a vechile for Infomation Dissemination & Gathering (2PQA)
- Then taken up by the Operations committee, NICS Utility (2PQB)
- Project Identification, Sheparding through the process (2PQC)
- Orientation to NICS CoP, the statistical provider and user community (2PPS)
- Two processes for new members: those that we welcome and those we let others know have joined. (2PQS)
Means (2PPT)
- In some forms, a panel dicussion --privacy. In other, like project development we can use a virtual meeting. Decide what needs to be face-to-face and what can we do online. (2PPU)
- DC meeting (2PPV)
- Linked Regional Meetings (2PPW)
- Wiki (2PPX)
- ListServ (2PPY)
- Teleconference (2PPZ)
- Webcast (2PQL)
- Via KnowledgePlex (2PQM)
- Provide Audio Feed for Presentations: (2PQN)
General Discussion (2PQ1)
- You have quite a bit of catching up to do when you first join this community. The Community is not as big as it should be or could be. So you need a orientation meeting, or a means to orient new members. (2PQ2)
- Are there other insitutions that are natural fits for convenings -- State Data Centers, Local intermediaries -- so that we leverage exsiting networks rather than trying to build all the connections and means to communicate ourselves. (2PQ3)
- If you use the "Sticky Network" model, NICS brings together the experts, to get at discussion around the data. At some point it gets past the data, and we are stilll enabling and capitalizing on those consequent dicussions. (2PQ5)
- Are data intermediaries a "new profession" implying we need a profesisonal association, or are we just working with existing professions? (2PQD)
- Anyone that produces or uses data in any shape or form could benefit from this community. (2PQE)
- On advocacy... (2PQF)
- We don't want to trap ourselves into a situation where the messenger is beat up by agencies if we critize their data, but not that we are there to lobby for certain programs. I'm concerned of the negative connotations that come with Advocacy, especially by data providers. (2PQG)
- Peer-to-Peer networks can handle the capacity-building element (2PQH)
- Eluciate the difference and functions between the NICS Utility and the NICS CoP and how projects, services, and data is identified in the CoP and moves into the utility. (2PQJ)
- Need to think through the digital means for public fora and for quiet password-protected spaces for that sharing. (2PQO)