National Infrastructure for Community Statistics (5QM)
Community of Practice (5QP)
November Learning Phase Workshop: (5QQ)
State-Level Organizations (5QR)
8:30 A.M – 4:00 P.M Wednesday, November 17, 2004 (5OV)
The National Science Foundation Ballston, Virginia (5OW)
Continental Breakfast -- 8:00-8:30 a.m. (5P7)
8:30-8:45 a.m. - Introduction to National Infrastructure for Community Statistics (NICS): Purposes and Potentials - PariSabety, Urban Markets Initiative, The Brookings Institution (5P9)
8:45-10:30 a.m. - State Information Applications and E-Government Initiatives (5Q4)
- Virginia Base Map Initiative - BillShinar, Virginia Base Map Initiative, State of Virginia (5PZ)
- Implementing HIPAA Initiatives: Lessons from the Field - JulieGefke, Director, HIPAA Program, State of Colorado; (5Q0)
- E-Government Initiatives and Economic Development - GeorgeBoersma, Office of Technology Partnerships, State of Michigan; (5Q1)
- Using State-level Administrative Records: ADARE - DavidStevens, Jacob France Center, University of Baltimore (5Q2)
- /Questionsanddiscussion (62H)
10:30-10:45 a.m. -- Break (5PV)
10:45-11:45a.m. - State Data Intermediaries (5Q5)
- Maryland State Data Center - JaneTraynham, Director, and past chair, State Data Center Clearinghouse; (5Q3)
- Connecticut State Economic Resource Center, Inc. - JefferyBlodgett, Vice President of Research (5PW)
- /QuestionsandDiscussion (5PB)
11:45-12:15 p.m. - Panelist Roundtable Discussion: Implications for NICS (Facilitated by PariSabety) (5PX)
12:15-12:30 p.m. - Purposes and Logistics for the afternoon break-out sessions. Includes assignment of participants to breakout sessions. (PariSabety) (5PY)
II. BREAK OUT SESSIONS – 12:45-3:00 p.m. (5PD)
Participants pick up food and go to one of three NICS CoP workgroup sessions, as assigned. Each session will focus on questions relevant to their charge, including those outlined above. Session topics are: (5Q7)
Systems Architecture (5QG)
- Facilitator: JosephFerreira; Resource Persons: BillShinar, GeorgeBoersma (5QB)
- /SystemsArchitectureBreakOut_2004_11_17 (5QD)
Participant Needs and Applications (5QH)
- Facilitators: RoderickHarrison and ThomasKingsley; Resource Persons: DavidStevens, JaneTraynham, JefferyBlodgett (5QC)
- /ParticipantNeedsAndApplicationtsBreakOut_2004_11_17 (5QE)
Governance and Finance (5QI)
- Facilitator: PariSabety; Resource Persons: JulieGefke, MartyHunt (5PE)
- /GovernanceAndFinanceBreakOut_2004_11_17 (5QF)
3:00-3:15 p.m. -- Break (5PF)
III. WRAPUP SESSION – 3:15-4:00 p.m. (5PG)
Facilitator: PariSabety. Reporter from each breakout session presents summary of ideas and recommendations, followed by general discussion and effort to reach consensus on main conclusions. (5PH)
- TroyAnderson, KnowledgePlex, Fannie Mae Foundation (5PJ)
- MarshallDeBerry, FedStats, Interagency Council on Statistical Policy (5PK)
- JosephFerreira, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (5PL)
- RoderickHarrison, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies (5PM)
- ThomasKingsley, National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership, The Urban Institute (5PN)
- BrandNiemann, Federal CIO Council and US Environmental Protection Agency (5PO)
- AndrewReamer, Urban Markets Initiative, The Brookings Institution (5PP)
- PariSabety, Urban Markets Initiative, The Brookings Institution (5PQ)
- SusanTurnbull, US General Services Administration (5PR)