February Learning Phase Workshop on National Non-Profits and Commercial Organizations    (2IQJ)

Wednesday, February 16, 2005    (2IQK)

8:30 A.M – 4:00 P.M    (2IQL)

Falk Auditorium, The Brookings Institution, Washington, DC    (2IR9)


In this workshop, we look at activities of nonprofit and commerical organizations with respect to the development of nationwide statistical systems and information applications. The morning begins with an exploration of three nonprofit efforts, followed by an overview of the commercial data aggregation and GIS industries. In the afternoon, workshop attendees will organize into breakout sessions to suggest possible NICS tools and methods to overcome challenges regarding small area (i.e., neighborhood) data access and use.    (8ZM)


Continental Breakfast8:00-8:30    (2IQ2)

8:30-8:40 Introduction to the Workshop – Troy Anderson, Knowledge Plex, Fannie Mae Foundation    (2IRH)

8:40-9:00 Update on the NICS CoP Process and Schedule of Events - PariSabety, Urban Markets Initiative, The Brookings Institution    (2IQ4)

9:00-10:45 National Nonprofit Statistical System Initiatives - moderated by Andrew Reamer, Urban Markets Initiative, The Brookings Institution    (2IQ5)

10:45-11:00 Break    (2IQ6)

11:00-12:30 Overview of Commercial Data Services Industries - moderated by Pari Sabety, Urban Markets Initiative, The Brookings Institution    (2IQ7)

12:30-1:00 Working Lunch    (2IQ9)

BREAK OUT SESSIONS – 12:30-2:30    (2IQX)

Participants get lunch and go to a breakout session. The aim of each session is to suggest possible NICS tools and methods to overcome challenges regarding small area (i.e., neighborhood) data access and use. Each section will discuss the same issues. (Examples of such tools and methods might include metadata standards, synthetic data sets, and larger sample sizes.)    (2IUB)

2:30-2:45 -- Break    (2IQB)

WRAPUP SESSION – 2:45-4:00    (2IQY)