NIH Wiki Fair (3EMW)
- When: Wednesday February 28, 2007, from 8:00 am till 4:00 pm (3EMX)
- Where: Lister Hill Center Auditorium, Building 38A, on the NIH Campus in Bethesda, MD. Medical Center Metro Station (3EMY)
- NIH Wiki Fair Organizing Committee: (3FKT)
- Registration is CLOSED NOW: See Videocast or Podcast: search for NIH Wiki Fair in past events or find by date. Use VideocastTimingGuide to find the presentations interesting to you (3EN0)
- File Repository (3EVP)
Agenda (Print Version in Word) (3EN1)
8 am – Registration and Coffee (3FKV)
8:30 - 8:45am Introductions (3GLV)
- Dr. Olga Brazhnik, NIH/CIT (3GEM)
- Dr. Jack Jones, NIH CIO, Acting (3GE6)
- Dr. John Whitmarsh, NIGMS (3GLW)
8:45 - 9:00am Dr. Olga Brazhnik, NIH/CIT (3GET)
9:00 – 10:00 am – Dr. Calvin Andrus, Chief Technology Officer, Center for Mission Innovation, Central Intelligence Agency (3END)
- KEYNOTE TALK: The Wiki and the Blog - Toward a Complex Adaptive Intelligence Community (3GED)
- Dr. Andrus' Professional Biography (3FKX)
10:00 - 10:15am - Ms. SusanTurnbull, Senior Program Advisor, General Services Administration, Intergovernmental Solutions Division, Office of Citizen Services and Communications (3GES)
- CASE STUDY: - From Stovepipes to Wind Chimes: Networking Among Intergovernmental Communities of Practice and Project Teams (3GPY)
- COLAB Home Page (3GGB)
10:15 - 10:35am - BREAK (3FL0)
10:35 – 11:35 - Dr. Larry Sanger Editor-in-Chief of the Citizendium Project and Co-founder of Wikipedia (3GEK)
- KEYNOTE TALK: The Citizendium a Progress Report (3F15)
- Dr. Sanger's Professional Biography is available from DrSangerBio (3F16)
11:35 - 11:50am - Karen Huffman and Michael Jourdan, National Geographic Society. (Bios: KarenHuffman and MichaelJourdan) (3FL2)
- CASE STUDY: National Geographic 2.0: Wikis @ Work (3GEF)
11:50am - 12:05pm Mr. Arumani Manisundaram, Project Manager - caGrid, Booz Allen Hamilton (3GEA)
- CASE STUDY: - Wiki promoting collaboration in the cancer community (3GE7)
- caGRID wiki site (3GEG)
12:05 - 12:20pm – Dr. Asha Collins, Fellow, AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) (3GEB)
- CASE STUDY: The Challenges of Creating a Wiki Community (3FL4)
12:20 – 1:45pm – BREAK and Demonstrations of Wikis on Various Wiki Engines (3FL5)
1:45 - 2:45pm Dr. Barend Mons, Associate Professor at Leiden University Medical Center and Erasmus Medical Center, and Co-founder and Senior Vice President of Knewco, Inc. (3GE8)
2:50 pm – 3:50 pm – Panel Discussion: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (of wikis). Moderators: Dr. Vivien Bonazzi, NIH/NHGRI, and Kathryn Dudley, NIH/OD/NIH Library (3FL9)
- Panelists: (3F2P)
- Dr. Larry Sanger, Co-Founder of Wikipedia (3F2Q)
- Dr. Calvin Andrus, CIA (3F2R)
- Dr. BrandNiemann, Senior Enterprise Architect, US EPA, and Co-Chair, CIO Council Semantic Interoperability Community of Practice (SICoP), (Slides. Also see SICoP Special Conferences 1 and 2) (3F2S)
- Mr. Dennis Rodrigues, Chief of the On-Line Information Branch, NIH Office of Communications and Public Liaison (3F2T)
- Ms. Susan Turnbull, Senior Program Advisor, General Services Administration, Intergovernmental Solutions Division, Office of Citizen Services and Communications (GSA) (3GQ1)
- Dr. Barend Mons, Associate Professor at Leiden University Medical Center and Erasmus Medical Center, and Co-Founder and Senior Vice President of Knewco, Inc. (3GQ3)
- Dr. Peter Lyster, NIH/NIGMS (3EN6)
3:50 - 4:00pm Dr. Olga Brazhnik, NIH/CIT (3GEI)
- Conclusions & Next Steps (3GEP)