1. What range of configuraitons are being employed by local CSS? (36F)
- In Milwaukee - MAGIC was being used, however it needed an intermediary. Now oracle interface is bringing different systems together (3CV)
- People are pushing toward data warehouse plus some kind of mapserver, along with portals that take from those sources (3CX)
- Many local groups have a "website" but not "webservices" (3EL)
- Is there anything locally that does descriptive statistics (tables, graphs)? (3CZ)
- Value-added effects. Some work is not shared. (3D1)
- Issue ignored that different cities can not access each others' data, there should be reusability of services (3D2)
- Open source could cost more money, the use of open standards is more important. Users should not be forced to have specific programs. (3D4)
- A lot of the final end websites are done privately by consultants and are harder to use and share. (3DC)
- Many NGOs are bootstrapping their data (3DD)
- Orthophotos example, underlaying coordinates (3DJ)
- Often vendor has to be hired to fix the data (3DM)
- Reusability is an important point that needs to be raised, it happens at the level of libraries or mapping (3DW)
- Florida Crime systems, did not have enough money and program halted. (3DX)
- Memphis is one of the few places that is NIBERS compliant. The cost of switching to the system is much higher, but the data entry is much more complicated (3DY)
- Local data gets lost easier, Feds are better at keeping their data historically (3JL)
2. How is the web being used in data assembly, dissemination and applications? (36H)
- website vs. webservices (3EP)
- Webservices - need infrastructure (SOAP, XML) (3CU)
3. What progress is being made toward the development of sound data standards and metadata? (36J)
- XML and webservices (3EM)
- Middleware and lookup tables to correct data entry errors (memphis, boston) (3E7)
- Metadata directories are needed (3E0)
- Syncronization is needed between different data repositories (3E1)
- Ontological differences - there are different meanings of variables, and different ways that they are measured (3F4)
- Memphis - Defining "thefts" for crime statistics. Different states, cities have different laws / regulations. (3F5)
- CDS - Arch IMS and Mapserver comparison, Mapserver found to be more effective. More popular in Canada than U.S. (3D0)
4. How do existing systems handle access, licensing, and open source v. proprietary software? (36L)
- Fedstats (LAMP - LINUX, APACHIE, MYSQL, PERL) - Trying to use open sources as much as possible (3EO)
- NCHS - lacked the staff to develop webservices for the data, formed partnerships with Data Ferrett, Fedstats, etc. (3DN)
5. To what extent is the data center model moving to a federated data repository model? (36O)
- NIBERS example, but there are different definitions of "theft" for instance in different cities (3GX)
6. What are the implications of the answers for NICS systems architecture? (36Q)
- Dynamic system that is evolutionary (3JT)
- Consider Open standards and Open source arguments (3GZ)
- A network that talks to open source and commercial (3DK)
- Protecting confidentiality - LEHD (LED) program example. (3IG)
- Should NICS focus on creating Ontologies? or should NICS focus on pushing standards to over come differences between data systems? (3F7)
- a websource that partners with local analysts (3IH)
- NCHS metadata community level growing, vital statistics could be useful to combine with Memphis research on crime, being able to use the gun data with the injured by guns could provide a richer picture at the community level (3II)
- Security concerns - hackers breaking confidentiality wall. Identify users in some form, collect history. (3IJ)
7. For a design of NICS that can meet participants needs? (36S)
- Can not be everything to everybody (3JM)
- Look at it as a local / federal partnership and helping fulfill each others' needs. (3JN)
- Data ownership question - Who owns it, to whom is it resold? (3IP)
- not about building a system, it is about building an infrastructure (3JO)
- How do we facilitate getting local data and turn it into federal data. (3JP)
- Making relationships better between federal and local people (3JQ)
8. For NICS governance and finance (36U)
- Hard to get people at local level to invest in new data systems. (3E8)
- Many parts of the system are unfunded or poorly funded. (3E9)
- Is there a way to drive costs down - metadata standards. (3EA)
- Build a market where value added goes to participants (3EB)
- Business model - Prove the value for people to have standards - compatibility (3F6)
- Get local data to have technology and funding (3JR)