This page is meant to be collaboratively edited. Summary below is based on reference material provided by NIST Global Standards and Information Group (40GJ)
NBIMS in Context (40GK)
The National Building Information Modeling Standard [NBIMS] is an anticipatory, consensus based technical standard to promote interoperability and encourage innovation. The development process convenes experts in the public and private sector to develop rules for exchange, transparency, and due process. NBIMS has emerged to direct the evolution of rapidly developing technology, improve overall efficiency, and prove the technical feasibility of candidate specifications. The new standard is an infrastructure, linking up and down chains of related standards from testing, product certification and manufacturing, to building codes, to compliance with open geospatial requirements which are also new. NBIMS is just far enough away from the government to be market driven while advancing theory and practice. The specifications will be political due to regulations necessitated, documented, and able to be enforced on different levels of authority. (40GL)
NBIMS is the standardization of: (40GM)
Building data identification, uniformity, quality control and validation requirements. (40GN)
Linked open building data, process maps, and dictionaries for creation and dissemination. (40GO)
Business interactions with mechanisms for cost tracking and negotiation. (40GP)
Reusable forms to reflect changes in product design, manufacturing, distribution, and certification. (40GQ)
Model checking procedures to evaluate building code conformance and public safety. (40GR)
Facility data capture processes for regional and global environmental assessment. (40GS)
Socially optimal design criteria to advance sustainability and energy efficiency initiatives. (40GT)
Analytic frameworks to interpret diverse stakeholder viewpoints, facilitate education and use. (40GU)
Frequent exchanges of complex information that needs to get simple fast for first responders. (40GV)
Initiating, quantifying, and executing transactions that add value to operational lifecycle data. (40GW)
Excluded: (40GX)
Proprietary terminology and geospatial information, manufacturing processes, and testing data. (40GY)
Wishlist Heard in Cyberinfrastructure Readiness For Emergency Response 2008 10 07 Workshop (40GZ)
Charles McLean, NIST Slide 4 "No common framework and definition of associated terminology exists to identify all the potential applications for Modeling Simulation and Analysis (MSA)techniques" Slide 8 "Many standards exist, more are needed" and "Reference libraries and test case data sets do not exist" Slide 9 "A communication and computing infrastructure that is flexible, easy to use, and satisfies both performance and security requirements"...that is just the beginning. See all the slides. (40H0)
Information Flow Impediments Summary from On the Intersection of Behavior and Technology: Information Flow Impediments in Katrina Relief Efforts, Jamison M. Day, Ph.D., Bauer College of Business at the University of Houston (40H1)
IMPEDIMENTS: Inaccessibility Inconsistent Formats Inadequate Stream (Shortage/Overload) Low Information Priority Source Identification Difficulty Storage Media Misalignment Unreliability Unwillingness (40H2)
He concludes on slide 24 that Inconsistent Formats, Inadequate Stream, Source Identification Difficulty and Unreliability are covered or at least addressed. Leaving Inaccessibility, Low Information Priority, and Unwillingness as challenges for the following list of technologies: Modeling & Sim CAP EDXL-DE EDXL-RM EDXL-RIM EDXL-HAVE SOA RM NIEM IPAWS CAIRNS BIM (40H3)