Mike Botts (37UC)
Principal Research Scientist (37UD)
Earth System Science Center (37UE)
University of Alabama in Huntsville (37UF)
Dr. Mike Botts is the creator and original developer of the SensorML specification and he is involved in the OGC Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) activity. Mike and his colleagues at UAH and OGC are defining, testing, and documenting a consistent framework of open standards for exploiting Web-connected sensors and sensor systems of any type. Sensor Web Enablement presents many opportunities for adding a real-time sensor dimension to the Internet and the Web. SWE has significance for science, environmental monitoring, transportation management, public safety, facility security, disaster management, utilities' SCADA operations, industrial controls, facilities management and many other domains of activity. The OGC voluntary consensus standards setting process coupled with strong international industry and government support in domains that depend on sensors is expected to result in SWE specifications that will become established in all application areas where such standards are of use. (37UG)