Skills And Interests    (3W5A)

(needs update!)    (3VLB)

Contact Data    (4LD)

Honeywell Contact    (4L4)
Michelle Raymond, Principal Research Scientist, Honeywell ACS Labs, 1985 Douglas Drive, Golden Valley MN 55422    (4IW)
Honeywell Email    (4L5)    (4IX)
Contact for Ontology Summit 2008, OASIS, EMTC, oBIX, CERT, MN-ISAC, Infragard, Ontolog or personal contact    (3VLL)
gmail Email    (4L8)    (4L9)

Background    (4LE)

(needs update!)    (3VLE)

Michelle Raymond's expertise is in knowledge technologies and device independent system design, development and usability. Michelle began working with Web technologies in 1995 at The Geometry Center, a National Science Foundation Research Center. In 1996 she joined the Human Centered Systems Section at Honeywell Laboratories. In 2002 Michelle transferred to the Knowledge Services section of the newly formed Honeywell Automation & Control Systems Lab.    (4J1)

Michelle's main interests are: 1) creation of standards, infrastructure and applications for emergency incident response coordiation, decision support, and (most specifically) personalized alerting; 2) using knowledge technologies in the automatic generation of user interfaces across multiple platforms, 3) coordinating and cataloging information via Ontologies and other data structure and design methodologies and 4) information presentation systems geared to diverse user groups based on user roles, tasks and the current environment or situation.    (4J2)

Michelle was the Principal Investigator and Project Manager for the Interaction Design System project at Honeywell Labs and has worked on projects for Abnormal Situation Mangement, Personalized Emergency Alerting and Model Driven User Interface Generation as well as many others. External to Honeywell, Michelle has spoken and given workshops on XML, knowledge technologies, user interface design, and programming for the Internet. She is an associate member of OASIS, actively working on the Emergency Management TC and as liason to the Open Building Information eXchange TC (oBIX).    (3KH7)

Training    (3WQR)

Exercise Designer, Participant or Evaluator    (3WRC)

Participation and Related Presentations    (3VLK)

Panelist: ConferenceCall_2008_02_14 Ontology Applications in Emergency Response (Take-2)    (3VLF)

Organizing committee member and Content committee chair: OntologySummit2008 "Toward an Open Ontology Repository"    (3VLG)

presented at OASIS Symposium 2007 - slides missing critical audio - Continuing Through Emergency: eBiz/eGov Continuity and Contingency Functioning Throughout Emergency Incidents (request updated version)    (3VLH)

Panelist: ConferenceCall_2007_01_25 Ontolog Technical Discussion: Ontology Applications in Emergency Response    (3VLI)

Attendance at Collaborative Expedition Workshop #36, Evolving a Multi-Stakeholder Best Practices Process for Implementing An FEA DRM XML Profile and Open Standards Web Applications: Introduction to Semantic Technology Tools and Applications on Tuesday, October 19, 2004.    (4IT)

presented at Extreme Markup 2004 href="" - (WIRLED PEAS) World Information Resources, Localized Environment Distribution: Personalized Emergency Alerting System    (4ME)

presented at XML 2001 href="" - Interaction Design System Use of XML    (3VLJ)

Skills and Interests    (3W59)

				Michelle A. Raymond    (3KH8)
		   	  Overview of Skills and Interests    (3KH9)

Technical Skills    (3KHA)

Areas of Study, Education and Training    (3KHJ)

     FEMA Emergency Management Institute {nid 3T7I}
        NIMS compliant courses
         * IS-100 (ICS 100) Introduction to Incident Command System, I-100 
         * IS-200 (ICS 200) ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents 
         * IS-700 National Incident Management System (NIMS), An Introduction 
         * IS-800.A National Response Plan (NRP), An Introduction    (3T7L)
     The Professional Development Series includes seven Emergency Management Institute independent study courses that provide a well-rounded set of fundamentals for those in the emergency management profession.    (3T7N)
        Professional Development Series (Self Study - capstones to be taken in Jan 2008)
         * IS-139 Exercise Design
         * IS-230 Principles of Emergency Management
         * IS-235   
  [NOTE: This section and other training to be filled in soon.]    (3T7M)

Areas of Interest    (3KHO)

Past and Current Project Areas    (3KHZ)