Writers' First Review Draft: (2VAN)
Term (2WI1)
Methodology (2WI2)
Origin/Source for Inclusion of the Term (2WI3)
EA Meta Terms suggested by Ira Grossman (2WI4)
OMB Context Definition (2WI5)
Reference/URL OMB Context Definition (2WI6)
Business Definition (2WI7)
1) A body of practices, procedures, and rules used by those who work in a discipline or engage in an inquiry. 2) The branch of logic that deals with the general principles of the formation of knowledge. (2WI8)
Reference/URL for Business Definition (2WI9)
http://www.answers.com/Methodology, accessed June 24, 2005 (2WIA)
Technical Definition (2WIB)
Properly refers to the theoretical analysis of the methods appropriate to a field of study or to the body of methods and principles particular to a branch of knowledge. (2WIC)
Reference/URL Technical Definition (2WID)
http://www.answers.com/Methodology, accessed June 24, 2005 (2WIE)
Context Definition 1 (2WIF)
1) A collection of methods, procedures, and standards that defines an integrated synthesis of engineering approaches to the development of a product. 2) A codified set of recommended practices, sometimes accompanied by training materials, formal educational programs, worksheets, and diagramming tools. (2WIG)
Reference/URL Context Definition 1 (2WIH)
The Capability Maturity Model: Guidelines for Improving the Software Process, Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute, 1994 Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Methodology, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methodology, accessed June 24, 2005 (2WII)
Context Definition 2 (2WIJ)
The EA methodology defines how EA documentation will be developed, archived, and used; including the selection of a framework, modeling tools, and on-line repository. (2WIK)
Reference/URL for Context Definition 2 (2WIL)
An Introduction to Enterprise Architecture: First Edition: Linking Business and Technology, Scott A. Bernard, 2004 (2WIM)
Context Definition 3 (2WIN)
A documented approach for performing activities in a coherent, consistent accountable, and repeatable manner. (2WIO)
Reference/URL for Context Definition 3 (2WIP)
Chief Information Officer Council, A Practical Guide to Federal Enterprise Architecture, Version 1.0, February 2001, Source: Treasury Enterprise Architecture Framework (2WIQ)
See Also Related Terms (2WIR)