Writers' First Review Draft: (2VAF)
Term (2W9U)
Line of Sight (2W9V)
Reviewer Comment: I believe this a slang term and should not be included in the Glossary. I understand its usage here and find it does convey “definite path” effect. But I don’t recommend including it, unless it has “wide usage” within the Community. (2W9W)
Origin/Source for Inclusion of the Term (2W9X)
EA Meta Terms suggested by Ira Grossman (2W9Y)
OMB Context Definition (2W9Z)
Line of Sight is the cause-and-effect relationship between inputs, outputs, and outcomes. (2WA0)
Reference/URL OMB Context Definition (2WA1)
Office of E-Government and Information Technology, Enabling Citizen-Centered Electronic Government, 2005-2006 FEA PMO Action Plan, www.whitehouse.gov/omb/egov/ documents/2005_FEA_PMO_Action_Plan_FINAL.pdf, accessed June 20, 2005. (2WA2)
Business Definition (2WA3)
The ability for executives to see the significance and outcome of strategy, mission, and business drivers at all levels of the Federal Enterprise Architecture. (2WA4)
Reference/URL for Business Definition (2WA5)
Quote from Norman Lorentz, outgoing chief architect of the Office of Management and Budget, http://www.ftponline.com/ea/magazine/spring/columns/bestpractices/rmurphy/, accessed June 20, 2005. (2WA6)
Technical Definition (2WA7)
The indirect or direct cause-and-effect relationship from a specific IT investment to the processes it supports, and by extension, the customers it serves and the mission-related outcomes it contributes to. (2WA8)
Reference/URL Technical Definition (2WA9)
FEA Program Management office, Performance Reference Model, http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/egov/documents/fea-prm1.PDF (2WAA)
Context Definition 1 (2WAB)
Reference/URL Context Definition 1 (2WAC)
Context Definition 2 (2WAD)
Reference/URL for Context Definition 2 (2WAE)
Context Definition 3 (2WAF)
Reference/URL for Context Definition 3 (2WAG)
See Also Related Terms (2WAH)