DRAFT - [Federal Chief Information Officers' Council]' Knowledge Management Working Group Charter    (33AS)

[Note: KM Working is not chartered under the Federal Chief Information Officers' Council - KMWG is an independent body. It is not clear whether this charter may have been in place for a period of time prior to FY06-FY07 - archival draft below]    (3W55)

AUTHORITY:    (33A9)

Federal Chief Information Officers Council, (the CIO Council) establishes the Knowledge Management Working Group, under the sponsorship of the Enterprise , Interoperability and Emerging Information Technology Committee, as an interagency body to bring the benefits of the government’s intellectual assets to all Federal organizations, customers, and partners. The Working Group will communicate its actions and findings to the Committee, the CIO Council and its member agencies.    (3399)

PURPOSE:    (33AA)

The Knowledge Management Working Group will bring together guidance on the content, process and technology needed to ensure the Federal Community makes full use of its collective knowledge, experience, and abilities. The Working Group's vision is to be a major resource for the Government as it takes greater advantage of its most important resource, the knowledge federal employees have. The Working Group will develop and replicate methods of sharing, learning, and growing knowledge throughout all levels of the Federal Community.    (339B)


The Knowledge Management Working Group will consist of several Special Interest Groups (SIGs), including training, best practices, CKO competencies, and communities of practice. The number and focus of Special Interest Groups will reflect current needs and resources, and therefore change periodically.    (339D)


A subset of CIO Council Members or others designated by the CIO Council. Ex-officio members are invited to contribute their particular skills and expertise to projects and work groups, but will not vote. At the option of the Working Group, and considering advice from the members, representatives of other organizations may be periodically invited to attend, observe, or contribute to meetings and activities.    (339F)


The Working Group will be led by co-chairs who shall serve at the request of the CIO Council. Each Special Interest Group will have a Chairperson (and Co-Chairperson when possible).    (339H)


The Working Group will develop specific operational procedures. The Working Group Chair will establish the procedures for developing recommendations for the CIO Council’s decision and resolutions. The Working Group will determine a meeting schedule. The Secretariat will maintain an official archive of all minutes and documents.    (339J)


When it is necessary to establish ad-hoc task groups to address particular items, a Working Group member shall head each such task group.    (339L)

WEB SITE:    (33AG)

The Working Group shall develop and maintain a Knowledge Management Website to ensure communications among the membership and to provide information about knowledge management to the Federal government.    (339N)


GSA will provide support and assistance to the Working Group. This will be augmented by support from other Officers and members as necessary.    (339P)