Federal Transition Framework Metamodel (6 Layers-27 Attributes) (346R)
- Common Object Attributes: (348L)
- Attribute: Name; Type: String; and Description: Instance name. Should be brief and natural, and it should uniquely identify the entity instance. (348M)
- Attribute: Description; Type: String; and Description: Brief description of the entity instance. (348N)
- Attribute: URL; Type: String; and Description: Internet Uniform Resource Locator that provides additional information pertinent to a specific object within the FTF. (346S)
- Contents: (347L)
- 1. Initiative Layer (348I)
- 1a. Cross-Agency Initiative (348O)
- Entity Name: Knowledge Management (348P)
- Entity Description: In FEA Performance Reference Model and Service Component Reference Model (BRM) (348Q)
- Examples: PRM Processes and Activities: (1) Management and Innovation, and (2) Management policies and procedures, compliance with applicable requirements, capabilities in risk mitigation, knowledge management, and continuous improvement. SCRM FEA Service Component Reference Model: Digital Asset Services: The Digital Asset Services Domain defines the set of capabilities that support the generation, management and distribution of intellectual capital and electronic media across the business and extended enterprise: (1) Content Management, (2) Document Management, (3) Document Referencing, (4) Knowledge Management, and (5) Records Management. (348R)
- Entity Source: KM WG Board (348S)
- Unique Attributes: Mandatory (348T)
- Unique Attributes: Applicable Agencies (348W)
- 1b. Guidance: (348Z)
- 1c. Community of Interest Entity Name Community of Interest Entity Description Group established within the Federal government to promote and support implementation efforts for this CAI by Federal agencies Examples AIC IPv6 Working Group Entity Source Any Federal agency Unique Attributes Type Description Contact Name String Individual contact for community Contact E-Mail String E-mail address of contact (346W)
- 1a. Cross-Agency Initiative (348O)
- 2. Strategy and Performance Layer (3496)
- 2a. PRM Measurement Area Entity Name PRM Measurement Area Entity Description Provides general groupings of measurement indicators within the Performance Reference Model (PRM) Examples Mission and Business Results Measurement Area Entity Source FEA Consolidated Reference Model Unique Attributes Type Description No additional attributes (346X)
- 2b. PRM Measurement Category Entity Name PRM Measurement Category Entity Description Provides general classifications of measurement indicators within the Performance Reference Model (PRM) Examples Health, Information and Technology Management Entity Source FEA Consolidated Reference Model Unique Attributes Type Description No additional attributes (346Y)
- 2c. Outcome Entity Name Outcome Entity Description Measurable agency performance outcome expected as a result of initiative Examples “25% improvement in vaccination delivery schedule” Entity Source OMB Unique Attributes Type Description No additional attributes (346Z)
- 2d. Mandate Entity Name Mandate Entity Description Federal legislation or directive that specifies compliance requirements for Federal agencies Examples E-Government Act, OMB Memorandum 05-22 Entity Source OMB, Congress, Policy Authority Unique Attributes Type Description Type String Indicates whether mandate is legislation or administrative directive (3470)
- 2e. Requirement Entity Name Requirement Entity Description Specific agency requirement for compliance with this initiative Examples ”…all agencies’ infrastructure (network backbones) must be using IPv6, and agency networks must interface with this infrastructure, by June 30, 2006.” Entity Source OMB, Congress Unique Attributes Type Description Requirement Source String Mandate that institutes the requirement (3471)
- 3. Business Layer (3497)
- 3a. BRM Line of Business Entity Name BRM Line of Business Entity Description Provides a description of specific governmental lines of business Examples Health, Homeland Security Entity Source FEA Consolidated Reference Model Unique Attributes Type Description Number Integer Unique identity code assigned by FEA to each line of business (3472)
- 3b. BRM Business Subfunction Entity Name BRM Business Subfunction Entity Description Breaks a line of business down into smaller, more concrete functions Examples Public Relations, Record Retention Entity Source FEA Consolidated Reference Model Unique Attributes Type Description Number Integer Unique identity code assigned by FEA to each subfunction (3473)
- 3c. Common Business Process Entity Name Common Business Process Entity Description A business process is an activity performed by agencies that yields a result of measurable value to one or more stakeholders. Each BRM Business Subfunction can be further decomposed into multiple business processes Examples “IPv6 Address Space Acquisition” Entity Source OMB Unique Attributes Type Description Process Owner string Agency formally charged with ownership of the common process (3474)
- 4. Data Layer (3498)
- 4a. Taxonomy Entity Name Taxonomy Entity Description A collection of controlled vocabulary terms organized into a hierarchical structure. Taxonomies provide a means for categorizing or classifying information within a reasonably well-defined associative structure, in which each term in a Taxonomy is in one or more parent/child (broader/narrower) relationships to other terms in the Taxonomy. A common example of a Taxonomy is the hierarchical structure used to classify living things within the biological sciences. Examples A taxonomy expressed in W3C Web Ontology Language (OWL) format. Entity Source FEA Data Reference Model 2.0 Unique Attributes Type Description No additional attributes (3475)
- 4b. Topic Entity Name Topic Entity Description A category within a Taxonomy. A Topic is the central concept for applying context to data. For example, an agency may have a Taxonomy that represents their organizational structure. In such a Taxonomy, each role in the organizational structure (e.g. CIO) represents a Topic. Topic is often synonymous with “node”. Examples Country Entity Source FEA Data Reference Model 2.0 Unique Attributes Type Description No additional attributes (3476)
- 4c. Data Asset Entity Name Data Asset Entity Description A managed container for data. In many cases, this will be a relational database; however, a Data Asset may also be a Web site, a document repository, directory or data service. Examples Relational databases, semi-structured data files, unstructured documents Entity Source FEA Data Reference Model 2.0 Unique Attributes Type Description Type String Type of Data Asset – e.g. database, Web site, registry, directory, data service, etc. Geospatial Enabled True/False Designates whether or not the Data Asset supports or provides Geospatial data. (3477)
- 4d. Query Point Entity Name Query Point Entity Description An endpoint that provides an interface for accessing and querying a Data Asset. A concrete representation of a Query Point may be a specific URL at which a query Web Service may be invoked. A Query Point returns a result set specified in an Exchange Package. Examples “http://www.example.com/querypoint3” Entity Source FEA Data Reference Model 2.0 Unique Attributes Type Description Query Languages String A stipulation of the query languages that are supported by a Query Point (e.g. SQL-92, CQL (Z39.50), XQuery, HTTP GET, etc.). (3478)
- 4e. Exchange Package Entity Name Exchange Package Entity Description A description of a specific recurring data exchange between a Supplier and a Consumer. An Exchange Package contains information (metadata) relating to the exchange (such as Supplier ID, Consumer ID, validity period for data, etc.), as well as a reference to the Payload (message content) for the exchange. An Exchange Package can also be used to define the result format for a query that is accepted and processed by a Query Point in a data sharing scenario. Examples An Exchange Package describes a specific recurring data exchange involving shipment information. Entity Source FEA Data Reference Model 2.0 Unique Attributes Type Description Classification String The security classification for an Exchange Package. Frequency String The frequency at which the exchange occurs (3479)
- 4f. Entity Entity Name Entity Entity Description An abstraction for a person, place, object, event, or concept described (or characterized) by common Attributes. For example, “Person” and “Agency” are Entities. An instance of an Entity represents one particular occurrence of the Entity, such as a specific person or a specific agency. Examples Person, Agency Entity Source FEA Data Reference Model 2.0 Unique Attributes Type Description No additional attributes (347A)
- 5. Service Component Layer (3499)
- 5a. SRM Service Type Entity Name SRM Service Type Entity Description Defines the second level of detail that describe a business-oriented service Examples Tracking and Workflow, Routing and Automation Entity Source FEA Consolidated Reference Model Unique Attributes Type Description No additional attributes (347B)
- 5b. SRM Service Component Entity Name SRM Service Component Entity Description Logical “building blocks” of a business or application service component Examples Online Help, Scheduling Entity Source FEA Consolidated Reference Model Unique Attributes Type Description No additional attributes (347C)
- 5c. Shared Service Entity Name Shared Service Entity Description Shared services are federal e-government implementations such as Line of Business Centers of Excellence or other services that can be shared across multiple agencies Examples HR Centers of Excellence, Grants.gov Entity Source Line of Business or E-Government Initiative Unique Attributes Type Description No additional attributes (347D)
- 5d. Shared Component Entity Name Shared Component Entity Description Logical “building blocks” of a shared service Examples e-Authentication Entity Source Line of Business or E-Government Initiative Unique Attributes Type Description No additional attributes (347E)
- 5e. Component Repository Entity Name Component Repository Entity Description Online service that hosts components for reuse by federal agencies Examples CORE.gov Entity Source Line of Business or E-Government Initiative Unique Attributes Type Description No additional attributes (347F)
- 6. Technology Layer (349A)
- 6a. TRM Services Category Entity Name TRM Service Category Entity Description Used to classify lower levels of technologies, standards, and specifications in respect to the business or technology function they serve Examples Access Channels, Service Transport Entity Source FEA Consolidated Reference Model Unique Attributes Type Description No additional attributes (347G)
- 6b. TRM Service Standard Entity Name TRM Service Standard Entity Description Used to define the standards and technologies that support the Service Category Examples Web Browser, Wireless/PDA Entity Source FEA Consolidated Reference Model Unique Attributes Type Description No additional attributes (347H)
- 6c. Technology Standard Entity Name Technology Standard Entity Description Approved federal technologies, standards, and specifications in respect to the business or technology function they serve Examples NIST Standards, Voluntary Consensus Standards Entity Source OMB Unique Attributes Type Description No additional attributes (347I)
- 6d. GOTS Product Entity Name GOTS Product Entity Description Government off-the-shelf technology products that agencies are free to utilize without the payment of license fees. Note that inclusion of a GOTS product within the FTF does not mandate that agencies adopt this product or prefer it to a commercial product (unless otherwise specified); it merely indicates that a product is available for usage by agencies should they elect to do so Examples FEAMS, e-CPIC Entity Source OMB Unique Attributes Type Description No additional attributes (347J)
- 6e. SmartBUY Agreement Entity Name SmartBUY Agreement Entity Description Government-wide blanket purchase agreement for specific vendors approved under the OMB SmartBUY program Examples Prosight, Oracle Entity Source OMB Unique Attributes Type Description No additional attributes (347K)