Kenneth Sall is employed by SAIC, currently working in the Intelligence Community. He is presently participating in the Practical Guide to Federal SOA.    (3ESI)

He previously served as Technical Architect for the GSA eTravel Initiative (eTravel Service) and as XML Specialist on the GSA Integrated Acquisition Environment E-Government Initiative. During his tenure on the IAE initiative, he wrote the IAE Summary XML Guidance based on a synthesis of Federal XML guidance from several agencies. A number of his XML presentations given to Federal working groups can be found at See for recent XML conference presentations:    (3EVJ)

Ken has been closely tracking XML developments since July 1997 and has developed several XML training courses and numerous presentations for NASA and other government agencies. He has given many conference presentations at XML, Java, Astronomy, and eGovernment conferences. He created the extensive XML section of Web Developers Virtual Library. Addison-Wesley published Ken's book, XML Family of Specifications: A Practical Guide in June 2002. His personal Web site contains several useful XML resources including his Big Picture of the XML Family of Specifications, an imagemap gateway to most major XML technical specifications which also indicates their maturity and depicts interrelationships. Ken has been an active participant in the Federal CIO Council's XML Community of Practice, the Web Services Working Group, the E-Forms for E-Gov Pilots, and the FEA Data Reference Model working group.    (3EVO)