November 19, 2004, 10am - noon, EST (3UOG)
Agenda is also posted on the Calendar (3UOH)
Attendees: (3UOI)
- KarlHebenstreit (3UOJ)
- ArtRandles (3UOK)
- NeilOlonoff (3UOL)
- EdButterworth (3UOM)
- PeterHobby (3UON)
- JessicaBarzik (3UOO)
- PatsyRamos (3UOP)
- NancyFaget (3UOQ)
Draft Notes (3UOR)
NeilOlonoff attended the "Leading in a Connected World" Conference organized by Dr. Rob Cross, University of Virginia. One interesting presentation: the "dark side" of SNA, focusing on "Energizers" and "de-energizers" and how they affect networks. They experimented with "free" (or low cost) "UCINet" social network analysis software. Available at free for 30 days, $150 for Government to buy. (3UOS)
Some SNA reference sites: Look at Valdis Kreb SNA of 9/11 hijackers at his website NeilOlonoff said that University of Virginia / McIntire School is beta testing new software at McIntyre School. It's an ASP survey-based social network tool that we could try. (3UOT)
Existing community spaces in stovepipes -- Can you set up RSS feeds to develop and syndicate to many? Core.Gov has been set up for some of the FEA projects for collaborative capabilities. (3UOU)
IRS set up Centra web conferencing tools behind firewall for their community (CentraSymposium). Allow collaboration to site through protocols for outside the network. (3UOV)
EdButterworth discussed CoPs for classical guitar community in being able to visualize the connections, people, relationships. (3UOW)
NeilOlonoff remarked that being able to analyze the KM network there might be a big application in identifying energizers, mapping participants in innovative projects, analyzing how to diffuse information through the network, transferring best practices. (3UOX)
ElsaRhoades survey proponent for KM.Gov OECD United States report out Jeanne Holm KMWG Knowledge Retention SIG for gathering/disseminating best practices (3UOY)
KarlHebenstreit detailed the framework for outlining communities across federal government at all levels. (3UOZ)
NeilOlonoff pointed out there is a coherence and alignment that could occur between the communities. It could also be a taxonomy for describing and categorizing within this visual picture. Gary has an interest in doing an expertise locator system perhaps supported by Human Resource data. It might be expanded to expose relationships for grouping people for projects and business purposes, an approach to tying people together. Right now it's only being thought of as a way to assign and determine experts. (3UP0)
PatsyRamos data being collected by Learning Management Systems in agencies. They're linking LMEs and SMEs to create audio/video snippets to integrate in training materials, jobs materials. ArtRandles mentioned the work his group has done in establishing HeadStart online knowledge portal links knowledge portals, community expert locators across the country to put in National Repository. EdButterworth is there a need for a collaborative tool standard. (3UP1)
Possible benefits of such a network analysis might be: Who do I call for what? Who are the energizers in the network? What is that person's expertise? Who are the people in my social network? Who is doing KM in federal agencies? Who has developed a best practice? How can we disseminate best practices? Who's using the same tools as me? How are they using the tools? Have scripts and modifications been done for tools that I can use? Can we use RSS feeds to cross pollinate information? Who is working on which projects? How can we use an expert locator system? Who's taken what training? How do you identify competencies of people about to retire? Can existing competencies be mapped to indicate future training needs? How much of my employee base is one-expert deep? Can you identify people's learning styles and deliver information to them differently? Can you leverage classification of people (such as in the Tipping Point) to effect workplace? (3UP2)