John Harby ( is currently an independent consultant in San Diego. He specializes in mobile development, web services and enterprise middleware. He has been a member of several OASIS Technical Committees and is also a member of several JSR expert groups (see below) along with the PGFSOA. He was the co-author of The Middleware Company SOA Blueprints specifications. He is currently consulting to Wells Fargo Mobile Banking. (423T)
He has previously worked in product development and architecture for vendors including Rocketalk and Oracle. He was a Sr. Architect in the HP Web Services lab under Rajiv Gupta. The pioneering work at HP received a Smithsonian award. He also was a Principal Architect at Lion Biosciences in San Diego in the early 2000's where under the vision of the Nobel Laureate Walter Gilbert architected systems that integrated the fields of Bioinformatics and Cheminformatics in the interest of personalized medicine using an SOA-based approach. He worked with early SOA in the mid-90's architecting and developing systems for U.S. Intelligence using CORBA/C++. He also performed research in the area of image encryption algorithms using fractal geometry at that time. (423U)
He has a B.S. in Mathematics from the University of San Diego. Current interests and hobbies include mobile devices, solar magnification systems, desalination, mathematical modeling in the interest of developing further integration between biology and chemistry along with the bass guitar. Current and past standards committee and specification involvement includes: (3ET4)
OASIS SOA Adoption Blueprints TC (3ETL)
OASIS Security Services (SAML) TC (3ETM)
OASIS Web Services Transaction (WS-TX) TC (3ETN)
JSR 155: Web Services Security Assertions Expert Group (3ETO)
JSR 181: Web Services Metadata for the JavaTM Platform Expert Group (3ETP)
JSR 265: API for Utilizing Web Services Policy Expert Group (3ETQ)
JSR 311: JavaTM API for RESTful Web Services (3HD4)
Lion Presentation to the American Chemistry Society on Informatics Integration (423R)