Joe Rockmore (39SR) (39SS)
- Support to the Director of National Intelligence, Chief Information Officer, working on various aspects of the IC enterprise architecture, mainly on the future architecture, mapping out a vision of how the IC architecture should evolve to improve information sharing and the attendant improvement in analysis and utilization. (39ST)
- Technical and programmatic support to several projects in the IC related to the sharing of semantically described data at massive scales, enabled by harmonizing semantic descriptions among disparate sources and using this harmonization to integrate data. (39SU)
- Technical and organizational lead of a group of Program Managers within the IC that meet periodically to share information on implementing capabilities based on semantic web technologies. (39SV)
- Technical support to the DARPA Agent Markup Language (DAML) project that developed advanced technologies for expressing and sharing assertions at Web scales. (39SW)
- Over 35 years of experience in information technology, systems, software, and engineering (39SX)
- PhD Stanford University (39SY)