Jie-hong Morrison is a taxonomy and search engine consultant for Computer Technologies Consultants,Inc. (http://www.usa-ctc.com), a IT solution provider serving various federal clients. Ms. Morrison has been developing Web-based applications for both private and government sectors since 1996. Most recently, she played a critical role in a full lifecycle taxonomy project for a large federal agency. The taxonomy has been considered as a base framework for various Web-based search and retrieval projects agency wide. She has also led the development of a multi-lingual search engine project for the client's various Websites. Ms. Morrison is the managing editor for the module 1 of the SICoP White Paper Series. She has authored various white papers and technical articles educating others on new and emerging information technologies. Ms. Morrison holds masters degrees in both library science and information systems. She can be reached at jmorrison@usa-ctc.com. (4D5)