Date / Time: Conference Call Thur 2005-02-10 2:30 pm ~ 3:30 EDT (2IIO)
- Invited: (2IIR)
- ... (If you cannot attend, please have a colleague or member of your staff attend on your behalf) ... (2IIS)
Call Details: (2IJC)
Acknowledgements (2IJG)
Agenda & Proceedings (2IJH)
- 1. Introduction and Opening Remarks - Denis Gusty (2:30 - 2:40 EST) (2IJI)
- Rick Schremp of SSA and the Western IT Council joined as a new Federal Government member. (2IJJ)
- Moira Gerety has left New Mexico State Government and the IAB (2IJK)
- NASCIO has sent out an announcement to State CIO’s to fill state vacancies. Terry Savage, NV and Teri Takai, MI have since joined the group. (2IJL)
- 2. Highlights from Last Meeting - James Mackison (2:40 - 2:45 EST) (2IJM)
- Wednesday, November 10th, 2004 (2IJN)
- Discussion of 311 systems (2IJO)
- Discussion of the Impact of the 2004 Election (2IJP)
- Intergovernmental Priorities - EPA (2IJQ)
- Enterprise Architecture coordination (2IJR)
- 3. Intergovernmental Priorities - New Members and Guests (2:45-2:55 EST) (2IRC)
- A discussion of intergovernmental priorities from the perspective of each new participant (2IRD)
- Emerging intergovernmental issues facing governments (2IRE)
- 4. The Solutions Exchange and intergovernmental components – Denis Gusty & CIO Council Representative (2:55-3:10 EST) (2IJV)
- The CIO Council’s Solutions Exchange is a clearing house for reusable IT investments. (2IJW)
- Discussion about expansion to include state and local components. (2IJX)
- Other efforts to collect best practices and components and coordinating among them (2IJY)
- 5. Enterprise Architecture Discussion: Data Reference Model – SusanTurnbull (3:10 - 3:25 EST) (2IJZ)
- A discussion of upcoming work on the Data Reference Model of the Federal Enterprise Architecture and the need for intergovernmental involvement (2IK0)
- Invitation to participate in teleconference-based training in preparation for participating with the DRM Working Group - Fridays, 11 am - noon (2ITT)
- Invitation to send your comments on Success Strategy brief and Volume Strategy exercise to - see DRM What's New? (2ITU)
- SusanTurnbull of GSA will talk about her work as Co-Chair of the Architecture and Infrastructure Committee's Emerging Technology Subcommittee (2IK1)
- Purpose of ET SC: Develop processes and procedures that support the discovery and assessment of maturing technology offerings responsive to E-government goals. (2ITI)
- Next Collaborative Expedition Workshop - Feb. 22 - Open forum with multiple Communities of Practice exploring governance and collaborative prototyping around emerging data sets, tools and services needed within and across communities. (2ITJ)
- Next XML Community of Practice Meeting - Feb. 16 - Implement emerging technology life cycle process that can be more efficiently and effectively managed on a government-wide basis, including validation of XML components (2ITK)
- 6. Wrap-up and Closing - Denis Gusty (3:25 - 3:30 EST) (2IK2)