Writers' First Review Draft: (2VAB)
Term (2W99)
IT Strategic Objective (2W9A)
Origin/Source for Inclusion of the Term (2W9B)
OMB Enterprise Architecture Assessment Framework Version 1.5 (2W9C)
OMB Context Definition (2W9D)
Reference/URL OMB Context Definition (2W9E)
Business Definition (2W9F)
An (IT) strategy is the pattern or plan that integrates an organization's major (IT) goals, policies, and action sequences in a cohesive whole. An (IT) objective states what is to be achieved and when results are to be accomplished but it does not state how the results are to be achieved. Strategic objectives typically have one or more associated performance measures. (2W9G)
Reviewer Comment: Shorten and simplify (2W9H)
Reference/URL for Business Definition (2W9I)
Technical Definition (2W9J)
An (IT) strategy is the pattern or plan that integrates an organization's major (IT) goals, policies, and action sequences in a cohesive whole. An (IT) objective states what is to be achieved and when results are to be accomplished but it does not state how the results are to be achieved. (2W9K)
Reference/URL Technical Definition (2W9L)
Adapted from Strategies for Change: Logical Incrementalism by James Brian Quinn, Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1980. (2W9M)
Context Definition 1 (2W9N)
Reference/URL Context Definition 1 (2W9O)
Context Definition 2 (2W9P)
Reference/URL for Context Definition 2 (2W9Q)
Context Definition 3 (2W9R)
Reference/URL for Context Definition 3 (2W9S)
See Also Related Terms (2W9T)