Writers' First Review Draft: (2V9Q)
Term (2VW8)
Granularity (2VW9)
Origin/Source for Inclusion of the Term (2VWA)
OMB Context Definition (2VWB)
Reference/URL OMB Context Definition (2VWC)
Business Definition (2VWD)
The degree of modularity of a system. More granularity implies more flexibility in customizing a system, because there are more, smaller increments (granules) from which to choose. (2VWE)
Reviewer Comment: Simplify and make one sentence. (2VWF)
Reference/URL for Business Definition (2VWG)
http://www.answers.com/granularity (2VWH)
Technical Definition (2VWI)
Granularity is the extent to which a system contains discrete components of ever-smaller size. An example of increasing granularity: a list of nations in the United Nations, a list of all states/provinces in those nations, a list of all counties in those states, and so on until you have a list of all people in the countries that belong to the U.N. (2VWJ)
Reference/URL Technical Definition (2VWK)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goal_%28management%29 (2VWL)
Context Definition 1 (2VWM)
Reference/URL Context Definition 1 (2VWN)
Context Definition 2 (2VWO)
Reference/URL for Context Definition 2 (2VWP)
Context Definition 3 (2VWQ)
Reference/URL for Context Definition 3 (2VWR)
See Also Related Terms (2VWS)