Geospatial Business Language (2ZWH)
The Geospatial Business Language defined herein consists of the key terminology used to define the role of geospatial in the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) context. These terms are intended as a starting place for agencies to use in defining their enterprise architectures and specifically their Business Functions (see Enterprise Architecture Glossary of Terms). More than a glossary, these definitions form the basis for a consistent language, a lingua franca for describing the role of geospatial in all Business Functions within a Business Architecture. Further, these terms are used to construct the Geospatial Business Statements, which describe the role of geospatial for each of the Business Functions. (2ZWI)
The Geospatial Business Language is comprised of five basic types of terms: (2ZWJ)
- Application – A computer program with a user interface or computer program component that employs geospatial data and technology; a geospatial business process or sub-process that is implemented as a software program or program component. (2ZWK)
- Data – A geospatial information class, type or property. (2ZWL)
- Function – A geoprocessing unit; a geoprocessing user tool; a geospatial service component. (2ZWM)
- Process – A general business series of actions that employs geospatial data and technology. (2ZWN)
- Technology – An application of science that generates, displays, manages or otherwise processes geospatial data. (Excluding general-purpose Information Technology.) (2ZWO)
This appendix lists the set of geospatial business language terms that might apply within an agency Business Architecture. This list will be updated periodically to reflect changes as they become known by the GEA COP WG. (2ZWP)
To submit a modification to this list, send an electronic mail with the Subject, “Geospatial Business Language Modification Request” to In the content of the electronic mail include the following information: (2ZWQ)
- Requesting Organization — the name of the organization making the change request. (2ZWR)
- Requesting POC Name — the name of a cognizant point of contact with the requesting organization. (2ZWS)
- Requesting POC Telephone — the telephone number of a cognizant point of contact with the requesting organization. (2ZWT)
- Requesting POC Email — the electronic mail address of a cognizant point of contact with the requesting organization. (2ZWU)
- Modification Type — one of Update (to update an existing entry), Insert (to add a new entry), Delete (to delete an existing entry) (2ZWV)
- Term — the name of the geospatial business language entry (2ZWW)
- Type — the type of the geospatial business language entry (must be one of application, data, function, process, technology as defined above) (2ZWX)
- Definition/Description — the definition/description for the geospatial business language entry (2ZWY)
- Justification — text that justifies the modification requested. (2ZWZ)
- Implications — text that describes any implications of note that would result from acceptance of the modification (e.g., this change will require the deletion of another entry, the addition of another entry, or similar) (2ZX0)
A separate Geospatial Business Language Modification Request should be made for each desired modification. All requests will be registered for processing at the next meeting of the GEA COP WG. (2ZX1)
Meanwhile, you may see the current draft list in Appendix E of the current Geospatial Profile Draft. (2ZX3)