Meeting Details for the April 13, 2006 Teleconference (3404)
Administrivia (341M)
Attendees (341N)
- Josh Rhodes, SRA (341O)
- Wendy Blake-Coleman, EPA (341P)
- John Moeller, NGC (341Q)
- Julia Harrell, DENR (341R)
- Doug Nebert, FGDC (341S)
- Raj Singh, OGC (3409)
Notes (341T)
Facilities Discussion (341U)
There is general consensus from the last call that we have a common opportunity in the context of emergency information exchange in facilities -- how they are defined, structured, and shared. This, as well as alerts messaging seem like useful foci in our Profile alignment exercises. (341V)
EPA: has 10K federal facilities, 487K leased or owned federal facilities, millions of regulated facilities, want to get underground storage tanks geocoded, for Katrina users wanted specific facility types (341W)
NCDENR: Include wells, animal operations, all things with permits. (34AJ)
Need an update from GSA on the status of the federal facilities (341X)
Start with the emergency context, request use cases that would evolve into potential common business processes. (341Y)
Raj has been developing a time/role/context use case query of systems where there are alerts (341Z)
EPA: What facilities are present/gone, open/closed, contamination, nearby schools, location of drinking water intakes (3420) is the website for ECOS and has state XML schemas (3421)
Issues of how to standardize format of simple geocoded information. FAA is interested in geocoding also. (3422)
EPA has a facility XML schema that they can share. Should be coordinated with DoJ and CDC. USGS is hosting the GOS Facility Channel, COE is the Facilities WG lead. [ref.] (3423)
Need to get perspectives from DISDI, GSA, Corps, DoJ, DHS! (3424)
GSA has the lead role for facilities information in A-16 (3425)
Will send out template for use cases. (3426)
Profile Pilot Support and Context (3427)
The Pilot will be convened as a community "OGC Network" open for participation by OGC members and non-members. FGDC will support OGC staff oversight of the project progress and documentation. OGC will facilitate the presentation of the interim results and comments on the Profile back to the GeoCOP and FEAPMO. (3428)
With respect to Geospatial LoB we need to move the revised version (2.0) into the LoB discussions, probably sooner than anticipated. Original timeline put a 2.0 release out in early fall. We may wish to get something together for release in early-mid summer. (3429)
Propose a new call date - Next call: Wednesday, April 26th at 4pm EDT Number: (641) 985-1000 code: 914352# (342A)
Action (Doug): Send out a use case template (Done) (342B)
Action (NCDENR, Charlotte, others in NC, DOI): Submit use cases to geo-forum list for interaction in an emergency/incident context with respect to facility or alert information. Due: 4/26/2006 (342C)