GeoCoP Grants Working Group (2QYW)
... Vince: please editing the following to adapt it to the /GrantsWG -- susan / ppy (2QYX)
Introduction: What is the Geospatial Community of Practice? (2QYY)
To be provided. (2QYZ)
Mission (2QZ0)
- To foster communication between geospatial practitioner's and IT professionals (2QZ1)
- To develop a geospatial profile for the Federal Enterprise Architecture (2QZ2)
- To encourage the sharing of best practices and documentation with respect to geospatial activities (2QZ3)
What's New? (2QZ4)
This page and all of it's content. Please check here for a summary of new things... (2QZ5)
How to subscribe to the Geospatial Community of Practice (2QZ6)
Anyone can create an account on this Wiki and add content. To do so, simply hit the "Create account" link at the top right of this page and follow the directions. (2QZ7)
The Geospatial Community of Practice is utilizing the geo-forum as our discussion forum. Here's how to join the geo-forum You can read the archive at: (2QZ8)
You can commnent on any of this content. Please read GeoCOPHowToComment (2QZB)
If you have trouble posting to this page, please contact KurtBuehler for help. (2QZC)
Key Date(s) to Note: (2QZD)
- May 2, 2005 - Kickoff Meeting (2QZE)
- May 11, 2005 - Geospatial Profile Meeting (2QZF)
- June 1 - Face to Face Meeting (2QZG)
- June 22 - Teleconference (2QZH)
- June 29 - Face to Face Meeting (2QZI)
- July 6 - Teleconference (2QZJ)
- July 20 - Face to Face Meeting (2QZK)
- Dates beyond this will be scheduled at a later date. (2QZL)
Details of Conference Calls & Meetings (2QZM)
Click on the links below to find details of upcoming meetings or minutes and presentations from past meetings. (2QZN)
- June 13, 2005 - /GeoSpatialGrantsWorkshop_2005_06_13 (2R0K)
- May 2, 2005 - GeoCopMeeting_2005_05_02 (2QZP)
- May 11, 2005 - GeoCopMeeting_2005_05_11 (2QZQ)
- June 1 - Not yet available (2QZR)
- June 22 - Not yet available (2QZS)
- June 29 - Not yet available (2QZT)
- July 6 - Not yet available (2QZU)
- July 20 - Not yet available (2QZV)
Geospatial Enterprise Architecture Glossary of Terms (2QZW)
Please see: GEAGlossary (2QZX)
Team Members (2QZY)
Please see: GeoCOPTeamMembers (2QZZ)
Document and Presentation Repository (2R00)
Documents (2R01)
- FEA Security and Privacy Profile - The Chief Information Officer (CIO) Council’s Architecture and Infrastructure Committee have specified the need for an additional view of the FEA that addresses and highlights elements of security and privacy. The link provided will take you to the Phase I Final draft of that document. (2R02)
- Server Architecture Models for the National Spatial Data Infrastructures (NSDI), Open Geospatial Consortium White Paper - <PDF version> <Word version> (2R03)
Presentations (2R06)
- Eliot Christian's Presentation to Architecture & Infrastructure Committee (2R07)
- The Chief Architects Forum and The Federal Enterprise Architecture Glossary Of Terms, Ira Grossman, May 3, 2005 (2R08)
Resources (2R09)
The following is a list of links to resources that should be of interest to GeoCOP participants. (2R0A)
Use Cases (2R0D)
Please see GeoCOPUseCases (2R0E)
Discussion Forum (2R0F)
The Geospatial Community of Practice is utilizing the geo-forum as our discussion forum. Here's how to join the geo-forum You can read the archive at: (2R0G)