This is the list of people working in the GeoCOP context. Please add yourself if you are not listed and would like to be considered part of the team. (2QDW)
Please also make a page containing your POC information: (2QCW)
- Edit this page. (2QCX)
- Convert your name from a Firstname Lastname to FirstnameLastname (2QCY)
- Save the page. (2QCZ)
- Click on your name (which should now show up as a link). (2QD0)
- Add content about yourself to include your contact information and reasons for participating (we suggest looking at DougNebert, as an example, or cut and paste this text into the page that you create) (2QD1)
Team Members (2QD2)
- Mike Alexander, Image Matters (2QEZ)
- Michael Alford, SRA (2QF0)
- Vince Allen, INDUS (2QF1)
- Steve Andrews, INDUS (2QGR)
- Leslie Armstrong, FGDC (2QDX)
- Carolyn Austin-Diggs, Treasury (2QDY)
- Todd Bacastow, Penn State (2QF2)
- Sam Bacharach, OGC (2QDZ)
- RajSingh, OGC (2TAZ)
- Wendy Blake-Coleman, EPA (2QE0)
- KurtBuehler, Image Matters (2QE1)
- David Chase, HUD (2QE2)
- Eliot Christian, USGS (2QF3)
- Colleen Coggins, DOI (2QE3)
- Marge Cole, NASA (2QE4)
- Dennis Crow, USDA (2QF4)
- Ilya Rosenfeld, Lockheed Martin (322J)
- John Davidson, Image Matters (2QGS)
- Jeff Donze, ESRI (2QF5)
- GeoffEhler, ODNI/NCTC (2TM3)
- Ty Fabling, ERSI (2QF6)
- Daniel Feinberg, DOD (2QE5)
- KGoodier, SRA, (2QG1)
- TimHaithcoat, Missouri, NSGIC (2QE6)
- JimHeald, USDA (2QE7)
- Chuck Heazel, OGC (2QE8)
- Kevin Hope, USGS (2QE9)
- Jacques Kapuscinski, EPA (2QF7)
- JamesKeyes, MITRE (2QET)
- JimKnudson, Pennsylvania (2QEA)
- MarcLevine, USGS (2QEB)
- Eric Linzey, NOAA (2QEC)
- Mario Lopez-Gomez, DOJ (2QED)
- Sal Majied, USGS (2QEE)
- Scott McAfee, FEMA (2QEF)
- Mary McCaffery, EPA (2QEG)
- ThomasMcCarty, DHS/SAIC (2QEH)
- TwylaMcDermott, Charlotte, NC (2QEI)
- Jerry McFaul, USGS (2QF8)
- Keith Miller, MITRE (2QEJ)
- JohnMoeller, Northrup-Grumman (33JZ)
- Kim Owens, NOAA (2QF9)
- Bob Pierce, USGS (2QFA)
- DougNebert, FGDC (2QEK)
- Mark Reichardt, OGC (2QEL)
- David Ridley, NGA / DHS (2QEM)
- MitchRinger, USDA FS (2QFB)
- Milo Robinson, FGDC (2QEN)
- Julie Rundgren, FWS (2QEO)
- JoelSchlagel, USACE (2T39)
- BrendaSmith, EPA (2QEP)
- John Sullivan, EPA (2QGT)
- RickTucker, MITRE (2TAW)
- Susan Turnbull, GSA (2QFC)
- Alan Voss, TVA (2QEQ)
- Stacey White, Pennsylvania (2QFD)
- Robert Wilson, NOAA (2QER)
- Rob Wright, NOAA (2QES)
- JulieMaitra, FGDC (33ZF)
- RichardHammond, USEPA Atlanta (37AZ)