GeoCOP Document and Presentation Repository (2R5A)
Documents (2R5B)
- FEA Consolidated Reference Model (the containing page has other interesting and useful information) (2T3I)
- FEA Security and Privacy Profile - The Chief Information Officer (CIO) Council’s Architecture and Infrastructure Committee have specified the need for an additional view of the FEA that addresses and highlights elements of security and privacy. The link provided will take you to the Phase I Final draft of that document. (2R5C)
- FEA Records Management Profile Table of Contents (2T52)
- Records Management Profile v1.3, as published July 12, 2005 (2UD8)
- NASA Geospatial Interoperability (GI) Return on Investment (ROI) Study <Report, April 2005> <Brief to FGDC GAI WG, May 25, 2005> (2RM0)
- Server Architecture Models for the National Spatial Data Infrastructures (NSDI), Open Geospatial Consortium White Paper - <PDF version> <Word version> (2R5D)