GOSPublishUseCase Use Case    (2R3U)

Name: Publish content the Geospatial One-Stop Portal (GOS Portal or Geodata.gov)    (2R3V)

Description: This use case depicts the generic use case of publishing a data set (or a collection) to the GOS Portal.    (2R3W)

Actors:    (2R49)

Precondition:    (2R4A)

Flow of Events - Basic Path:    (2R41)

  1. Agency Metadata Steward identifies a data set or a collection of data sets to be published to the Geodata.gov    (2R42)
  2. If not already accomplished, Agency Metadata Steward implements an Agency Metadata Collection.    (2R3Z)
  3. If not already accomplished, Agency Metadata Steward configures Geodata.gov to harvest metadata records from the Agency Metadata Collection using the Geodata.gov Harvesting Service    (2R40)
  4. Agency Metadata Steward populates a metadata record for the identified data set or collection of data sets in the Agency Metadata Collection    (2R43)

Flow of Events - Alternative Paths:    (2R44)

If agency does not have an implementation of an Agency Metadata Collection, then steps 1-4 may be replaced by the following steps:    (2R45)

  1. Agency Metadata Steward identifies a data set or a collection of data sets to be published to the Geodata.gov    (2R4C)
  2. Agency Metadata Steward populates a metadata record for the identified data set or collection of data sets directly to Geodata.gov by a) uploading the metadata record(s) via Geodata.gov Publication Service or b) using a metadata entry tool (which both, in turn, publish the record(s) via Geodata.gov Publication Service).    (2R4D)

Postcondition:    (2R46)

Once the regularly scheduled harvesting of the Agency Metadata Collection has been accomplished, Geodata.gov will contain the published data set or collection.    (2R47)