Minutes of 7/19 Initial FEA Geospatial Profile TRM/SRM Workgroup Conference Call (2TUK)
- Meeting Time: 2:30-3:30PM (2TUL)
- Participants: (2TUM)
- JimKnudson (team lead), Commonwealth of PA (2TUN)
- KurtBuehler, Image Matters, LLC; (2TUO)
- RajSingh, OGC; (2TUP)
General meeting notes (2TUQ)
- Reviewed initial TRM and SRM outlines created by Kurt (2TUR)
- Discussed schedule of what we need to have done by 8/10 (initial first draft review), 9/7 (publish internally for review and comments?), and 9/30 (released public draft?) (2TUS)
- Discussed desire to seek real-world, existing FEA TRM and SRM examples from federal agencies. Kurt sent email to EPA requesting and queried DHS to determine if they had made any updates. Jim sent to USDA / Forest Service (2TUT)
- Kurt will contact GITA to see if we can get a copy of the 2005 Geospatial Technologies Report that can serve as a “comprehensive” list of geospatial technologies for our use on this project. NOTE: This action is completed and the CD is on the way (2TUU)
- Will try to pull links to all geospatial standards reference lists, including FGDC, ISO, OGC, and NIST (ANSI) to put into Wiki as resources (2TUV)
- Discussed how there are geospatial technologies not covered by standards, including GPS, LiDAR, etc. that we should try to identify (2TUW)
- Discussed how FEA is really procurement driven, and the goal is to lift the relevant standards against the different FEA components: BRM, TRM, SRM (2TUX)
- Will map the geospatial use cases to geospatial profile TRM/SRM as examples when completed (2TUY)
- Jim followed up with potential participants from USDA / Forest Service and NSGIC for participation and to highlight Friday conference call (2TUZ)
- SRM depends on input from BRM, which has not met as of today’s TRM/SRM meeting (2TV0)
- Discussed report out to GEA COP WG at Wednesday’s Conference Call (2TV1)
- Discussed next steps (2TV2)
TRM Outline Document: (2TV3)
- Reviewed outline (2TV4)
- Will try to map to and overlay geospatial onto the existing categories (and expand) as displayed in Figure 1 of outline document, adding new items as necessary (2TV5)
- Will review GITA 2005 Geospatial Technologies Report as list of services to map to TRM (2TV6)
- Questioned how the TRM categorization is useful to EA. (2TV7)
- Will review EPA or USDA / Forestry TRM examples if provided (2TV8)
TRM Actions: (2TV9)
- Change “SRM” in section 2 header to “TRM” (2TVA)
- Please add the 3 tier hierarchy diagram from the consolidated reference document for service areas, service categories, and service standards (2TVB)
SRM Outline Document: (2TVC)
- Reviewed outline (2TVD)
- Will work more on TRM in short term until input from BRM is available to help identify processes for SRM (2TVE)
- Reviewing DHS GEA “SRM” documents for Friday – applications– don’t follow FEA, follow HLS EA (2TVF)
- Expect to define new service domains and service types for Geospatial, but will overlay and expand existing as much as possible (2TVG)
- Will review EPA or USDA / Forestry SRM examples if provided (2TVH)
- Kurt added examples of Service Components from DHS GEA “SRM” (DHS GEA Applications document) (2TVI)
SRM Actions: (2TVJ)
- Please add the 3 tier hierarchy diagram from the consolidated reference document for service domains, service types, and service components (2TVK)
Respectfully submitted, (2TVL)